Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

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Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive? by Mind Map: Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

1. What defines city life?

1.1. City life is defined as urban living in the modern times due to industrialization and

2. The hectic city life which brings health risks

3. Being a city, it would be able to provide the individual with numerous services and opportunties to increase one's affluence and financial security

3.1. s time passes, more businesses will create opening new job opportunities for the people.

3.2. New node

4. City life, is it too harsh?

4.1. New node

5. The ever increasing population contributing to the increased competition for jobs in the city has made city life increasing unattractive.

5.1. Every year, fresh graduates from universities are released into the urban jungle in search of job opportunities and work, they are not only equiped with the top skills in each specific sector but have gone through the rigourous education system of the schools.

5.2. Employers have to decide whether they should keep the experienced but not as well trainined employee or to settle for the better skilled but young and inexperienced graduate.

6. City life would certainly become increasingly unattractive if one is not able to keep up with the younger generations and the constant change that originates from city life.