Research Outcome Outline - How does psychological trauma affect Emergency Service Workers?

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Research Outcome Outline - How does psychological trauma affect Emergency Service Workers? by Mind Map: Research Outcome Outline - How does  psychological  trauma affect Emergency Service Workers?

1. Parts of the Outcome: Allow approximately 100 words per small sub-point and 150 for larger ones.

1.1. Part 1: Introduction

1.1.1. What is emotional/psychological trauma? Define it.

1.1.2. In a broad, statistical sense, how does trauma affect our society?

1.1.3. What causes truama? List and explain the most common triggers and explain how this can lead an individual to experience trauma. Explain how this could make Emergency Service Workers exceptionally prone to experiencing trauma. Introduce the questions to be answered in the body of the outcome. Part 2: Body

2. Primary Information

2.1. Australian Bureau of Statistics

2.1.1. YouTube Videos Interviews with CFS and Ambulance volunteers with various levels of experience Internet Surveys

3. Secondary Information

3.1. Government Medical Websites

3.1.1. Other Medical Websites and Public Education and Awareness Sites SES, CFS, MFS and SAAS Websites Books (online or hardcopy) by experts in trauma research or those with personal experience with trauma.