My own PLE ( personal learning enviroment)

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My own PLE ( personal learning enviroment) by Mind Map: My own PLE ( personal learning enviroment)

1. Sharing

1.1. Posting in Blog

1.1.1. Tumblr

1.1.2. Blogger

1.2. Tuenti

1.3. Facebook

1.4. Discuss with

1.4.1. Classmates

1.4.2. Friends

1.4.3. Family

1.4.4. Teachers

1.4.5. Scout

1.5. Hotmail

2. Definition: System that help learners take control of and manage their own learning

3. Reflecting

3.1. Beach

3.2. Bus

3.3. Scout

3.4. Tuenti

3.5. Blogger

3.6. My room

3.7. Tumbr

3.8. Swimming pool

3.9. My diary

3.10. Trecking

3.11. Twitter

3.12. At the university

4. Reading

4.1. Books

4.2. Wikis

4.3. Magazines

4.4. Post in :

4.4.1. Tuenti

4.4.2. Facebook

4.4.3. Blogger

4.4.4. Tumblr

4.5. Documents

4.6. Films

4.7. TV

4.8. Youtube