What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
by Harry Richardson
1. Lionsgate distribution company would distrubte my film because they have had previous successes with horror films. This would mean they know how to market the target audience I am aiming my film at and as their previous film have had a huge success it would mean people can recognize the distribute for the genre they usually do.
1.1. Saw
1.2. Cabin Fever
1.3. Decoys
2. Lionsgate
3. Lionsgate are very clever when it comes to marketing their films. They market their films the same as many films do (e.g. billboards, cinema's, trailers). Their new film 'The Hunger Games' was already a book so already a large following. They lowered the age rating and made the gory scenes more subtle so that they could target it at a larger audience.
4. Other film distributed I considered: Rogue Pictures, Dark Castle entertainment and fox search light (due to my film not being as mainstream as others in the industry)
5. Lionsgate would be good to distribute my film as they have large funding and their films have a relatively high budget. Companies with a high budget means that they can usually produce better films as they can invest it in high technology. I would need this for my film as i have special effects in just the opening of my film . If i was to make the whole films i would also need stunts to be done.
5.1. 'Saw' had a budget of $1,200,000
6. Lionsgate distribute a lot of films similar to mine. Such as Saw and The Cabin Fever. They both have similar target audiences and factors featured in them.