Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world. (FOR)

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Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world. (FOR) por Mind Map: Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world. (FOR)

1. Government

1.1. Government needs to ensure there is profit gain by private entreprises

1.2. The need to conform with the technology advancement in order to boost the country's economy, hence the goverment will try to prevent any environmentalism idea that hinders the development of technology

2. Inter-governmental Organisations

2.1. Economy

3. Individual

3.1. What contributed to consumerism

3.1.1. Increase in income

3.1.2. Culture

3.2. It is a vicious cycle.

4. Corporations

4.1. Vicious cycle

4.2. Environmentalism as a trend