Safe 'N' Sound Shopping

Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Safe 'N' Sound Shopping por Mind Map: Safe 'N' Sound Shopping

1. Opportunity

1.1. mobile technology

1.2. Partner

1.3. Audiences

1.4. Authority

2. Audience

2.1. Demographic

2.2. Psychographic

2.3. Technographic

2.4. Behavior

2.5. Gathering Points

3. Goal

3.1. Sell your own products

3.2. Sell your own services

3.3. Grow your visibility

3.4. Sell third party products

3.5. Create membership site

4. Niche

4.1. communication

5. Branding

5.1. Content

5.2. Personality

5.3. Positioning

6. The Product



6.3. Uniqueness

6.4. So What?