Tools for creating teaching resources

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Tools for creating teaching resources por Mind Map: Tools for creating teaching resources

1. Audio

1.1. Capturing

1.1.1. Zoom H2 £140

1.1.2. Samson USB mic £56

1.1.3. USB headset

1.2. Editing

1.2.1. Audacity quick start guide to Audacity

1.3. Wimba Voice Tools

1.3.1. Voice board

1.3.2. Voice Presenter

1.3.3. Podcaster

1.3.4. Voice E-mail

1.3.5. Voice Direct

2. Presentation / webpages

2.1. Wimba create

2.1.1. Community blog

2.1.2. How to guide

2.1.3. Personal tutoring example

2.1.4. Undergraduate handbook example

2.1.5. example with quiz

2.1.6. example with embedded media

2.2. Articulate studio 09

2.2.1. Overview - tour

2.2.2. Sample teaching resource FBS

2.2.3. Presenter

2.2.4. Quiz maker

2.2.5. Engage

2.2.6. Rapid e-learning blog

3. Assessment tools

3.1. Questionmark perception

3.2. wimba create

3.3. Dragster

3.4. Quiz maker

3.5. Hot potatoes

4. Collaboration + communication

4.1. Blogs

4.1.1. elgg @ Leeds

4.1.2. Blogs overview

4.1.3. Blogging in the VLE

4.2. wikis

4.2.1. skills for bioscientists example

4.2.2. 7 things you should know about wikis

4.3. Wimba Voice Tools

4.3.1. Voice board

4.3.2. Voice Presenter

4.3.3. Podcaster

4.3.4. Voice E-mail

4.3.5. Voice Direct

4.4. Social bookmarking

4.4.1. Overview

4.4.2. Brainify

5. top 100 tools

6. Audio / video output

6.1. File formats

6.2. Compression

6.2.1. wmv

6.2.2. swf / flv

6.2.3. h.264

6.2.4. MPEG4

6.2.5. MP3

6.3. Media Convert

6.4. Real producer

6.5. Super

6.6. Prism

6.7. VLE advice for Streaming server

7. Video

7.1. Capturing

7.1.1. Cameras webcams - logitech sample used to record first part of video DV camera + external mic Flip video camera sample 1 - used to record interviews 7 things you should know

7.2. Editing / creating

7.2.1. Simple / bundled Movie Maker PhotoStory iMovie

7.2.2. Complex / Commercial Sony Vegas Pro Premiere (elements) After Effects Flash avid

7.2.3. Screencapture camtasia screencast-o-matic Captivate sample of screencapture Uses of screencapture Jing

7.3. support site

7.4. SDDU teaching with video case studies

7.5. LUTube

8. Forms of Audio and Video

8.1. Audio

8.1.1. lecture / seminar groups

8.1.2. packaged reports

8.1.3. actuality montage

8.1.4. interview

8.2. Video

8.2.1. Screencapture

8.2.2. talking head

8.2.3. digital stories

8.2.4. events

8.2.5. instructional

8.2.6. simulation

8.2.7. think aloud

8.2.8. fly on the wall

8.2.9. real - life

9. Podcasting

9.1. Pcast Case studies

9.2. Podcasting community

9.3. PPP SIG

9.4. Delivered through own server

9.5. Delivered through Elgg

9.5.1. link to blog

9.5.2. RSS feed

9.6. integrated with assessment (FBS)

10. What's coming

10.1. Horizon report

11. Evaluation cookbook