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1. Plant Biology

1.1. Plant structure

1.1.1. PLNT_001k - Intro to parts of plants

1.1.2. PLNT_002k - The role of the flower

1.1.3. PLNT_003k - How the stem is supported

1.1.4. PLNT_004k - Structure of the root

1.1.5. PLNT_006k - Phloem and zylem

1.1.6. PLNT_005k - Transpiration

1.1.7. PLNT_007k - Water Movement in Plants

1.1.8. PLNT_008k - Structure of the leaf

1.1.9. PLNT_009k - Role of the stomata

1.1.10. PLNT_010k - How plants reduce water loss

1.2. Packaging the sun's energy

1.2.1. PLNT_011k - What is Photosynthesis?

1.2.2. PLNT_012k - Photosynthesis equation

1.2.3. PLNT_013k - What affects the rate of reaction of photosynthesis?

1.2.4. PLNT_014k - How reactancts and products get into and out of a leaf

1.2.5. PLNT_015k - Respiration in plants

1.2.6. PLNT_016k - How do plants use glucose?

1.3. Plant nutrients and growth

1.3.1. PLNT_022k - Plant growth

1.3.2. PLNT_017k - What nutrients do plants need?

1.3.3. PLNT_018k - Nutrient deficiency in plants

1.3.4. PLNT_019k - Auxins and other plant hormones

1.3.5. PLNT_020k - Tropism

1.3.6. PLNT_021k - How do we use plant hormones?

1.3.7. PLNT_023k - Meristematic cells

2. Health & Drugs

2.1. Pathogens and Disease

2.1.1. HLTH_001 - Infectious disease HLTH_001p1 - in-depth example of infectious disease

2.1.2. HLTH_002 - Non-Infectious disease HLTH_002p1 - in-depth example of non-infectious disease

2.1.3. HLTH_003 - How bacteria causes illness HLTH_003p1 - salmonella

2.1.4. HLTH_004 - How viruses cause illness HLTH_004p1 - The common cold

2.1.5. HLTH_005 - How pathogens get into the body

2.1.6. HLTH_006 - How pathogens are spread HLTH_006p1 - Animal vectors (malaria and dysentary) HLTH_006p2 - Coughing and sneezing

2.1.7. HLTH_007 - How our bodies defend against micro-organisms

2.1.8. HLTH_008 - Preventing the spread of disease

2.2. Fighting Disease

2.2.1. HLTH_009 - The immune system HLTH_009p1 - In depth: white blood cells HLTH_009.1 - The lymphatic system

2.2.2. HLTH_010 - What are vaccines? HLTH_010p1 - Eliminating polio

2.2.3. HLTH_011 - Active and passive immunity

2.2.4. HLTH_012 - Risks of vaccination HLTH_012p1 - MMR vaccine scare

2.2.5. HLTH_013 - Antibiotics HLTH_013p1 - Fleming's discovery of Penicillin

2.2.6. HLTH_014 - Antiseptics

2.2.7. HLTH_015 - Testing antibiotics and antiseptics

2.3. Diet

2.3.1. HLTH_016 - A balanced diet

2.3.2. HLTH_017 - Food types

2.3.3. HLTH_018 - Protein in the diet

2.3.4. HLTH_019 - Storing food

2.3.5. HLTH_020 - Obesity and BMI

2.3.6. HLTH_021 - Nutritional deficiencies and anorexia

2.4. Health

2.4.1. HLTH_022 - Blood pressure

2.4.2. HLTH_023 - Heart Disease

2.4.3. HLTH_024 - Coronary thrombosis

2.4.4. HLTH_025 - Heart irregularities

2.4.5. HLTH_026 - Exercise and fitness

2.4.6. HLTH_027 - High blood pressure

2.4.7. HLTH_028 - Lung problems

2.4.8. HLTH_029 - Kidney disease and dialysis

2.4.9. HLTH_030 - Organ transplants

2.4.10. HLTH_031 - Ethics of organ transplants

2.4.11. HLTH_032 - Blood transfusions

2.4.12. HLTH_033 - Sperm and egg donations

2.4.13. HLTH_034 - Fractures and sprains

2.5. Drugs & Medicines

2.5.1. HLTH_035 - What is a drug?

2.5.2. HLTH_036 - How drugs affect the synapses

2.5.3. HLTH_037 - Types of drug addiction

2.5.4. HLTH_038 - Stimulants

2.5.5. HLTH_039 - Painkillers

2.5.6. HLTH_040 - Solvents

2.5.7. HLTH_041 - Alcohol

2.5.8. HLTH_042 - Effect of alcohol on reaction time

2.5.9. HLTH_043 - About smoking tobacco

2.5.10. HLTH_044 - Dangers of smoking

2.5.11. HLTH_045 - Testing new drug treatments

2.5.12. HLTH_046 - Double blind testing

2.5.13. HLTH_047 - Controversial drugs

2.6. Mental Health

3. Ecology & Environment

3.1. Ecosystems

3.1.1. ENVR_001 - What is an ecosystem

3.1.2. ENVR_002 - Components of ecosystems

3.1.3. ENVR_003 - Environmental sampling

3.1.4. ENVR_004 - Mapping and Zonation

3.1.5. ENVR_005 - Natural vs. artificial ecosystems

3.1.6. ENVR_006 - What is a population?

3.1.7. ENVR_007 - Factors affecting population size

3.1.8. ENVR_008 - Predator and prey cycles

3.1.9. ENVR_011 - Interactions within an ecosystem

3.2. Adapting and Living Together

3.2.1. ENVR_009 - What is adaptation? ENVR_009p1 - Adaptations of Camels ENVR_009p2 - Adaptations of Extremophiles

3.2.2. ENVR_014 - Adaptations of predators and prey ENVR_014p1 - Co-evolution of predator and prey

3.2.3. ENVR_010 - What is a niche? ENVR_010p1 - Fascinating niche example

3.2.4. ENVR_016 - Specialists vs. generalists ENVR_016p1 - Specialist Bee ENVR_016p2 - Generalist example

3.2.5. ENVR_013 - Interspecific and intraspecific interactions

3.2.6. ENVR_015 - Trophic levels ENVR_015p1 - Trophic cascades in old field systems

3.2.7. ENVR_017 - Parasites and hosts ENVR_017p1 - Thinking like a parasite

3.2.8. ENVR_018 - Mutualism

3.2.9. ENVR_019 - Ecological pyramids

3.2.10. ENVR_020 - Biomass pyramids

3.3. Resource flows and cycles

3.3.1. ENVR_021 - Energy transfer through ecosystems

3.3.2. ENVR_022 - Energy flow diagrams

3.3.3. ENVR_023 - Decomposition

3.3.4. ENVR_024 - The Carbon Cycle

3.3.5. ENVR_025 - The Nitrogen Cycle

3.3.6. ENVR_026 - The Water Cycle

3.3.7. ENVR_027 - Modern Agriculture

3.3.8. ENVR_028 - Making food production more efficient

3.4. Agriculture and the environment

3.4.1. ENVR_029 - Environmental impacts of intensive farming

3.4.2. ENVR_030 - Nutrient cycles in agriculture

3.4.3. ENVR_031 - What are fertilisers?

3.4.4. ENVR_032 - Environmental effects of fertilisers

3.4.5. ENVR_033 - Pest control

3.4.6. ENVR_034 - Environmental effects of pesticides

3.4.7. ENVR_035 - Pesticide resistance

3.4.8. ENVR_036 - Biological pest control

3.4.9. ENVR_037 - Overgrazing

3.4.10. ENVR_038 - Fish farming

3.4.11. ENVR_039 - The meaning of "sustainable development"

3.4.12. ENVR_040 - Ecosystem management

3.4.13. ENVR_041 - Methods of food preservation

3.4.14. ENVR_042 - Organic farming

3.5. Environmental Conservation

3.5.1. ENVR_043 - Biodiversity

3.5.2. ENVR_044 - Endangered species conservation

3.5.3. ENVR_045 - Inbredding and genetic variation

3.5.4. ENVR_046 - Deforestation

3.5.5. ENVR_047 - Global population growth

3.5.6. ENVR_048 - Atmospheric pollution

3.5.7. ENVR_049 - Indicators of pollution

3.5.8. ENVR_050 - What is the greenhouse effect?

3.5.9. ENVR_051 - Consequences of the greenhouse effect

3.5.10. ENVR_052 - Carbon footprint

3.5.11. ENVR_053 - Methane and the greenhouse effect

3.5.12. ENVR_054 - Ozone depletion

3.5.13. ENVR_055 - Acid rain

3.5.14. ENVR_056 - Eutrophication

3.5.15. ENVR_057 - Resource scarcity

3.5.16. ENVR_058 - Recycling

3.6. Animal Behaviour

3.6.1. ENVR_059 - Innate behaviour

3.6.2. ENVR_060 - Learned behaviour

3.6.3. ENVR_061 - Conditioning

3.6.4. ENVR_062 - Mating and courtship

3.6.5. ENVR_063 - Parental care

3.6.6. ENVR_064 - Animal communication

3.6.7. ENVR_065 - Great ape behaviour

4. Animal / Human Physiology

4.1. Life Processes

4.1.1. PHYS_001k - What is homeostasis?

4.1.2. PHYS_002k - Negative feedback

4.1.3. PHYS_003k - Organs involved in homeostasis

4.1.4. PHYS_004k - Temperature regulation

4.1.5. PHYS_005k - How the skin aters body temperature

4.1.6. PHYS_006k - Water balance in the body

4.1.7. PHYS_007k - Seven life processes

4.1.8. PHYS_008k - Human growth curves

4.1.9. PHYS_009k - How different body parts grow

4.1.10. PHYS_010k - How is growth measured?

4.2. Digestive system

4.2.1. PHYS_011k - What is digestion?

4.2.2. PHYS_012k - Parts of the digestive system

4.2.3. PHYS_013k - Muscular and glandular tissue

4.2.4. PHYS_014k - Small intestine and food absorption

4.2.5. PHYS_015k - The role of the stomach

4.2.6. PHYS_016k - Digestive enzymes

4.2.7. PHYS_017k - Bile

4.2.8. PHYS_018k - How food is broken down into molecules

4.2.9. PHYS_019k - How molecules diffuse into the blood

4.3. Respiratory system

4.3.1. PHYS_020k - Introduction to the respiratory system

4.3.2. PHYS_021k - Parts of the human respiratory system

4.3.3. PHYS_022k - Inhaling and exhaling

4.3.4. PHYS_023k - How lung volumes are measured

4.3.5. PHYS_024k - Gas exchange in different animals

4.3.6. PHYS_025k - Gas exchange in the alveoli

4.3.7. PHYS_026k - Respiration converts glucose to energy

4.3.8. PHYS_027k - What is ATP? PHYS_027p1 - ATP Music Video

4.3.9. PHYS_028k - Aerobic respiration

4.3.10. PHYS_029k - The respiration equation

4.3.11. PHYS_030k - Composition of inhaled and exhaled air

4.3.12. PHYS_031k - Anaerobic respiration

4.3.13. PHYS_032k - Anaerobic respiration in muscles

4.3.14. PHYS_033k - Anaerobic respiration by yeast

4.3.15. PHYS_034k - Respiration in animals

4.4. Circulatory system

4.4.1. PHYS_035 - Introduction to the Circulatory System

4.4.2. PHYS_036 - Blood Vessels

4.4.3. PHYS_037 - Double circulation

4.4.4. PHYS_038 - Parts of the human double circulatory system

4.4.5. PHYS_039 - Circulatory systems of different animals

4.4.6. PHYS_040 - The Cardiac Cycle

4.4.7. PHYS_041 - Structure of the Heart

4.4.8. PHYS_042 - How the heart works

4.4.9. PHYS_043 - Heartbeat and pulse

4.4.10. PHYS_044 - Red blood cells

4.4.11. PHYS_045 - White blood cells

4.4.12. PHYS_046 - Plasma

4.4.13. PHYS_047 - Platelets

4.4.14. PHYS_048 - Blood groups

4.4.15. PHYS_049 - Blood clotting

4.5. Nervous system

4.5.1. PHYS_050 - Introduction to the Nervous System

4.5.2. PHYS_051 - Five Sense Organs

4.5.3. PHYS_052 - Coordination

4.5.4. PHYS_053 - The Central Nervous System

4.5.5. PHYS_054 - Nerves

4.5.6. PHYS_055 - Neurones

4.5.7. PHYS_056 - Synapses

4.5.8. PHYS_057 - Reflex arc

4.5.9. PHYS_058 - Block diagram of the reflex arc

4.5.10. PHYS_059 - Parts of the eye

4.5.11. PHYS_060 - How the eye adjusts for light and dark

4.5.12. PHYS_061 - How the eye focuses/ acommodation

4.5.13. PHYS_062 - How the eye judges distance

4.5.14. PHYS_063 - The brain

4.5.15. PHYS_064 - Memory

4.6. Hormones

4.6.1. PHYS_076 - How is diabetes controlled?

4.6.2. PHYS_067 - Testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone

4.6.3. PHYS_068 - Differences between hormones and nerves

4.6.4. PHYS_069 - Stages of menstrual cycle

4.6.5. PHYS_070 - Birth control

4.6.6. PHYS_071 - Fertility treatment

4.6.7. PHYS_072 - Hormones in the menstrual system

4.6.8. PHYS_073 - Insulin

4.6.9. PHYS_074 - Glucagon

4.6.10. PHYS_075 - What is diabetes?

4.6.11. PHYS_065 - What are hormones?

4.7. Excretion

4.7.1. PHYS_077 - The body's different waste materials

4.7.2. PHYS_078 - Introduction to the urinary system

4.7.3. PHYS_079 - How the kidneys remove urea

4.7.4. PHYS_080 - How the kidneys adjust ion content

4.7.5. PHYS_081 - How the kidneys adjust water content

4.7.6. PHYS_082 - The Nephron

4.7.7. PHYS_083 - Anti-Diuretic Hormone

4.7.8. PHYS_084 - Kidneys

4.8. Skeleton & Muscles

4.8.1. Engagement Video - Skeleton & Muscles

4.8.2. PHYS_085 - What is the skeleton? PHYS_085p1 - Interesting examples for skeletons PHYS_085p2 - Organisms without a Skeleton

4.8.3. PHYS_086 - What are bones?

4.8.4. PHYS_087 - Wha are Joints?

4.8.5. PHYS_087 - What are Muscles?

4.8.6. PHYS_088 - What are Tendons?

4.8.7. PHYS_089 - What is Cartilage?

4.8.8. PHYS_090 - How do bodies move?

5. Cells and Molecules

5.1. The building blocks of life

5.1.1. CELL_001k - Intro to Cells

5.1.2. CELL_002k - Levels of Organisation in an Organism CELL_002p1 - Levels of organisation in the nervous system

5.1.3. CELL_003k - Animal Cells

5.1.4. CELL_004k - Plant Cells

5.1.5. CELL_005k - Specialised Cells

5.1.6. CELL_006k - Unicellular vs. Multicellular

5.1.7. CELL_007k - Structure of Bacteria

5.1.8. CELL_008k - Sperm and Egg Cells

5.2. Biological molecules

5.2.1. CELL_008k - Biological Molecules CELL_008p1 - Test for glucose CELL_008p2 - Test for starch

5.2.2. CELL_009k - What are proteins?

5.2.3. CELL_010k - Different functions of proteins

5.2.4. CELL_011k - What are enzymes?

5.2.5. CELL_012k - Collision theory and enzymes

5.2.6. CELL_013k - Lock and Key Mechanism

5.2.7. CELL_014k - Enzymes and Rate of Reaction

5.2.8. CELL_015k - Denaturation of enzymes

5.2.9. CELL_016k - What are hormones?

5.2.10. CELL_017k - Some important hormones

5.3. Transport in cells

5.3.1. CELL_018k - Diffusion CELL_018p1 - Diffusion lab

5.3.2. CELL_019k - Cell membranes CELL_019p1 - Cell membrane demonstration

5.3.3. CELL_020k - Osmosis CELL_020p1 - Osmosis lab

5.3.4. CELL_021k - Active Transport

6. Genetics and Heredity

6.1. Cell Division

6.1.1. GENE_010 - Intro to Cell Division

6.1.2. GENE_011 - Mitosis

6.1.3. GENE_012 - Asexual reproduction

6.1.4. GENE_013 - Sexual reproduction

6.1.5. GENE_014 - What are gametes?

6.1.6. GENE_015 - Haploid vs. Diploid

6.1.7. GENE_016 - Meiosis

6.1.8. GENE_017 - Fertilisation

6.1.9. GENE_018 - Humans have 23 chromosomes

6.1.10. GENE_019 - Cell differentiation

6.2. Variation

6.2.1. GENE_020 - Genetic variation

6.2.2. GENE_021 - Environmental variation

6.2.3. GENE_022 - Variation in plants vs. animals

6.2.4. GENE_023 - Nature vs. nurture

6.3. Chromosomes and DNA

6.3.1. GENE_001 - What is DNA?

6.3.2. GENE_002 - Watson and Crick

6.3.3. GENE_003 - What is a chromosome?

6.3.4. GENE_004 - Structure of a chromosome

6.3.5. GENE_005 - What is a gene?

6.3.6. GENE_006 - How DNA codes for proteins

6.3.7. GENE_007 - What is RNA?

6.3.8. GENE_008 - Protein synthesis

6.3.9. GENE_009 - DNA Replicaiton

6.4. Heredity

6.4.1. GENE_024 - Who was Gregor Mendel?

6.4.2. GENE_024 - Mendel's experiments

6.4.3. GENE_026 - Dominant and recessive alleles

6.4.4. GENE_027 - Homozygous or heterozygous

6.4.5. GENE_028 - Genotype and phenotype

6.4.6. GENE_029 - Genetic diagrams

6.4.7. GENE_030 - Sex determination

6.4.8. GENE_031 - Sex-linked inheritance

6.4.9. GENE_032 - Checkeboard genetic diagrams

6.4.10. GENE_033 - Punnett Squares

6.4.11. GENE_034 - Monohybrid crosses

6.4.12. GENE_035 - Pedigree charts

6.4.13. GENE_036 - Codominance

6.4.14. GENE_037 - What are genetic disorders?

6.4.15. GENE_038 - Genetic disorders: systic fibrosis

6.4.16. GENE_039 - Genetic disorders: sickle cell anaemia

6.4.17. GENE_040 - Genetic disorders: plydactyly

6.4.18. GENE_041 - Genetic disorders: Huntington's

6.5. Genetic Technology

6.5.1. GENE_042 - Genetic screening

6.5.2. GENE_043 - DNA Fingerprinting

6.5.3. GENE_044 - Asexual reproduction and cloning

6.5.4. GENE_045 - Modern cloning techniques

6.5.5. GENE_046 - Genetic Engineering

6.5.6. GENE_047 - Fermentation biotechnology

6.5.7. GENE_048 - Traditional biotechnology

6.5.8. GENE_049 - Recombinent DNA

6.5.9. GENE_050 - Genetically modified bacteria

6.5.10. GENE_051 - Applications of genetic modification

6.5.11. GENE_052 - Genetically modified crops

6.5.12. GENE_053 - Commercial plant cloning

6.5.13. GENE_054 - Genetically modified animals

6.5.14. GENE_055 - Stem cells

6.5.15. GENE_056 - Ethical issues in genetic enginering

6.5.16. GENE_057 - Using enzymes in genetic modification

6.5.17. GENE_058 - The Human Genome Project

6.6. Mutations

6.6.1. GENE_059 - What are mutations?

6.6.2. GENE_060 - Types of mutations

6.6.3. GENE_061 - Chromosome mutations

6.6.4. GENE_062 - Mutation due to radiation and chemicals

6.6.5. GENE_063 - Harmful mutations

6.6.6. GENE_064 - Beneficial mutations

6.6.7. GENE_065 - Down's syndrome

7. Evolution

7.1. Natural selection

7.1.1. EVOL_001 - Charles Darwin's observations

7.1.2. EVOL_002 - Darwin's theory of natural selection

7.1.3. EVOL_003 - Evidence for natural selection

7.1.4. EVOL_004 - Competition and natural selection

7.1.5. EVOL_005 - Different theories of evolution: Lamarck vs. Darwin

7.1.6. EVOL_006 - The formation of new species

7.1.7. EVOL_007 - Mutations and natural selection

7.1.8. EVOL_008 - How bacteria adapt to resist antibiotics

7.2. Artificial Selection

7.2.1. EVOL_009 - Artificial selection

7.2.2. EVOL_010 - Selective breeding

7.2.3. EVOL_011 - Selective breeding in farming

7.2.4. EVOL_012 - Drawbacks of selective breeding

7.3. Evolution

7.3.1. EVOL_013 - The theory of evolution

7.3.2. EVOL_014 - Human evolution

7.3.3. EVOL_015 - How fossils form

7.3.4. EVOL_016 - Fossil evidence for evoltuion

7.3.5. EVOL_017 - Darwin's finches

7.3.6. EVOL_018 - Extinction

7.3.7. EVOL_019 - Classifying organisms

7.3.8. EVOL_020 - Kingdoms

7.3.9. EVOL_021 - Species

7.3.10. EVOL_022 - Classification system: artificial vs. natural

7.3.11. EVOL_023 - Naming systems

8. Microorganisms

8.1. Single Celled Organisms

8.1.1. MICR_001k - What are microorganisms?

8.1.2. MICR_002k - The variety of microbes

8.1.3. MICR_003k - Protozoa

8.1.4. MICR_004k - Single celled Fungi

8.1.5. MICR_005k - Bacteria

8.1.6. MICR_006k - Viruses

8.1.7. MICR_007k - Plankton

8.2. Microorganism uses

8.2.1. MICR_008 - Making yoghurt

8.2.2. MICR_009 - Making alcohol

8.2.3. MICR_010 - Mycroprotein

8.2.4. MICR_011 - Making biofuels

9. Biology Careers

9.1. Learning Scientific inquiry

9.1.1. What is Scientific Inquiry in Biology?

9.1.2. What is Scientific Inquiry: Falsification

9.1.3. Scientific Inquiry: Inductive & Deductive Reasoning

9.1.4. Scientific Method 0: Intro & Observation

9.1.5. Scientific Method 1: Question

9.1.6. Scientific Method 2: Hypothesis

9.1.7. Scientific Method 3: Experiment

9.1.8. Scientific Method 4: Results

9.1.9. Scientific Method 5: Conclusions & Presenting Results

9.2. Careers in Biology

9.2.1. Biologist Careers: Documenting Nature

9.2.2. Biologist Careers: Medical Careers 1: Neuroscience

9.2.3. Biologist Careers: Ecologist

9.2.4. Biologist Careers: Science Communicator

9.2.5. Biologist Careers: Geneticist

9.2.6. Biologist Careers: Paleontologist

9.2.7. Biologist Careers: BioChemist

9.2.8. Biologist Careers: Bioengineer