1. Nutrition
1.1. Heterotrophs
1.1.1. Holozoic nutriton Complex food is coverted in simpler form that can be absorbed. Eg:Amoeba, Humans
1.1.2. Saprotrophic nutrition These organism feed on dead or decay organic matter of other organism. Eg:Fungi, yeast, etc
1.1.3. Parasectic nutrion These organism receive food from there host(other living organism). Eg:-cascutta, tricks.
1.2. In human beigns
1.2.1. Mouth:crushed food into smaller pieces
1.2.2. Salivary glands:secrete Sala vary amalyse for digestion of starch
1.2.3. Pharynx and oesophagus:-food pass in movement of rhethimic contraction and relaxation called as pristalsis
1.2.4. Stomach Hcl:creates acidic medium which facilate the action of pepsin emylese Mucus:protects the inner lining of. Stomach from action of acid
1.2.5. Small intestine:it is the sight of complete digestion of carbohydrate, protine and fats
1.2.6. Liver:secrets bile juice which emulsify fats
1.2.7. Pancrease:secretes pancreatic juice which contain enzymes amylase,tripsine and lipase for digestion of fats and strach
1.2.8. Villi:small finger like projection present in small intestine for absorbtion of water
1.3. Autotrophic:- make ther own food through inorganic substance with the process called as photosynthsis
2. Respiration
2.1. In human beigns
2.1.1. Nostrils in take the air and filtrate by fine particle Throat contain rings of cartilage which ensure that air doesn't collapse Whithin lunges air passage dived in alveoli which are richly supplied with blood and it is the site of exchange of gasses The alveolar Co2 is taken up by blood to realease The pigment called homoglobine carries O2 to different part of the body.
3. Transportation
3.1. The circulatory system is a. Compound of heart, blood and blood vessels which transport various material throughout the body
3.2. In human beings
3.2.1. Lymph is the colourless and contain less protein it drains lymphatic capillaries from intercellular spaces which join to lymph vessels
3.2.2. Blood have pallets that circulates around the body and prevent it blood loss from site of injury
3.2.3. Arteries carry blood from heart to different part of the body.
3.3. In plants
3.3.1. Xylem transport water and minerals to all parts
3.3.2. Pholem transport food to all part of the plant
3.3.3. Tranlocation:the osmotic prassure of tissue causing H2o to move.
4. Excretion
4.1. Removing of harmful metabolic nitrogenous waste generated from our body
4.2. In human beins
4.2.1. Urine
4.3. In plants
4.3.1. Gums
4.3.2. Resines