Restaurant Guest Journey Map

Journey map of restaurant guest experience.

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Restaurant Guest Journey Map by Mind Map: Restaurant Guest Journey Map

1. Awareness

1.1. Mary finds Restaurant on Google Maps

1.1.1. Experience

1.1.2. Insights

1.1.3. Actions

1.2. Mary looks at additional information at the Restaurant website

1.2.1. Experience

1.2.2. Insights

1.2.3. Actions

1.3. Word of mouth

1.3.1. Experience

1.3.2. Insights

1.3.3. Actions

1.4. Review sites

1.4.1. Experience

1.4.2. Insights

1.4.3. Actions

1.5. Social media

1.5.1. Experience

1.5.2. Insights

1.5.3. Actions

1.6. Advertisements

1.6.1. Experience

1.6.2. Insights

1.6.3. Actions

2. Dining

2.1. Arrive

2.1.1. Experience

2.1.2. Insights

2.1.3. Actions

2.2. Dine

2.2.1. Experience

2.2.2. Insights

2.2.3. Actions

2.3. Depart

2.3.1. Experience

2.3.2. Insights

2.3.3. Actions

3. Engagement

3.1. Mary gets an email asking for feedback

3.1.1. Experience

3.1.2. Insights

3.1.3. Actions

3.2. Loyalty program

3.2.1. Experience

3.2.2. Insights

3.2.3. Actions

3.3. Communication

3.3.1. Experience

3.3.2. Insights

3.3.3. Actions

4. Decision

4.1. Dine in

4.1.1. Mary makes a reservation on OpenTable Experience Insights Actions

4.2. Get delivery

4.2.1. Order Experience Insights Actions

4.3. Get takeout

4.3.1. Order Experience Insights Actions