Cooperative Learning (Norm and Kathy Green)

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Cooperative Learning (Norm and Kathy Green) por Mind Map: Cooperative Learning (Norm and Kathy Green)

1. Why?

1.1. do we want

1.1.1. this?

1.1.2. or this?

2. Elements of cooperative learning

2.1. positive dependence

2.1.1. 9 types jigsaw activity

2.2. individual responsibility

2.3. direct interaction

2.4. social and team competence

2.5. group strategies

3. Good Teams

3.1. know one another

3.2. have an identity

3.3. support one another

3.4. value their diversity

3.5. develop synergies

3.6. Teambuilding activities

4. Feeling of self-worth

5. Activities

5.1. detailed list

5.2. Bilder vom 1. Tag

5.3. Placemat Vorlage

6. Basic Assumptions