Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

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Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content por Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

1. Cognitive Developmental Perspective

1.1. This persective emphasizes that language is acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop. "This perspective also proposes that a child learns langauge by using the same mechanisms as for other learning" (Otto, 2010, p. 30). In other words there is no specific language mechanism, so in order for language to develop certain cognativedeve,opment must occurr first.

1.1.1. Piaget

2. Nativist Perspective

2.1. This persepctive has to do with acquistion of syntactac knowledge. We as human beings are biologically programed to acquire language. "Language is a biological agaption to communicate information ... language is the product of a well-engineered biological instinct." (Otto, 2010, p. 28).

2.1.1. Chomsky

3. Interactionists Perspective

3.1. This perspective focuses on a childs culture and their en vironment. The way a child is spoke to and whether or not is spoken to will determine how a child's language will develop. It is important to speak to a child at birth and continue to do so and encouraging them to talk is vita! "Another aspect of the interactionist perspective is it's focus on the language developme t process rather than on language as a product of development." (Otto, 2010, p.33)

3.1.1. Vygotsky

4. Behaviorist Perspective

4.1. NeThis perspective emphasizes the role of nature. The learning is based on responses, the way the child is stimulated, and how reinforceme nt occurs in thier environment. "A child is considered to be a "blank slate" and learning occurs due to associations establiushed between stimuli, responses, and events that occur after the respinse behavior," (Otto, 2010. p. 31).

4.1.1. Skinner