"Is it reasonable to believe in God in today's society?" No, because ...

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"Is it reasonable to believe in God in today's society?" No, because ... von Mind Map: "Is it reasonable to believe in God in today's society?" No, because ...

1. There is no physical evidence of God, and almost none of Jesus.

2. Religion is simply superstition, and that we are all believing in something in hopes of receiving a good outcome.

3. Many people believe that God performs miracles, such as when someone is miraculously cured of a disease. However, it's clearly science that performed this and not God.

4. The first line of the Bible is "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" however according to a theory of how we became, the universe was created first and millions of years later earth developed. Many things written in the Bible can easily be proven wrong, showing that it is unreliable.

5. According to Pascal, he said that if you believe in God you have nothing to lose, because if he's real you will have eternal bliss, or if he's not you lose nothing. If all it takes is to believe, does that mean people like Hitler and Osama Bin Laden received eternal bliss because they believed?

5.1. New node

6. Millions of people pray to God every night around the world, but he doesn't answer anyone's prayers, and many horrible things still happen.

7. If people who follow a religion and believe in God, shouldn't they receive benefits for this? Instead they're getting the opposite.