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Prime Minister por Mind Map: Prime Minister

1. Andrew Lansley is the secretary of state for health, health is one of the biggest public services and has the largest debt of them all. Andrew is a British politician who has been the Secretary of State for Health since 2010, he is also a member of the conservatives group

1.1. Simon Burns MP Simon is currently the minister of state for health, his main responcebilities are Legislation, NHS Performance, Health Services, Reconfiguration of Services, Patient Safety, Application of Quality Regulation, NHS Workforce, Mixed Sex Accommodation and Connecting for Health

1.1.1. NHS the NHS get 105 billion a year to spend, they also have over 2 million employees. Since the NHS was launched it has grown and is now the worlds largest publicly funded health service where around 3 million people are treated every week. The NHS is funded only on taxation. There isnt a thing the NHS doesnt cover, it covers everything from coughs and colds to end of life care. Since the NHS began life expectancy has been rising and infant mortality rate has been decreasingh. Health authority The West Yorkshire health authority works with the West Yorkshire NHS to focus on health issues specific to west yorkshire e.g. Drug addiction, work related illnesses etc..NHS Yorkshire and the Humber was set up by the Government in July 2006 to act as the regional body for the NHS. We are one of ten strategic health authorities (SHAs) for England set up on this date. Our region has a population of 5.23 million and covers an area of 15,906 square kilometres. The community we serve includes major cities, such as Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, and York as well as a number of large towns and rural areas with scattered populations, especially in North Yorkshire. Healthcare Commission These bodies inspect the public services to make sure they do there jobs right. They also inspect the NHS facilities and the staff. The healthcare commissions also inspects the complaints anybody has. What the healthcare commission mainly does is just inspect everything. In England, one of the ways we do this is by assessing and reporting on the performance of healthcare organisations on an annual basis. For NHS trusts, this involves issuing an annual performance rating.

2. Eric Pickles Eric is the secretary of state for Communities and Local government which means he is responceble for creating safe, tolerant and inclusive communities, building better homes and neighbourhoods, promoting strong and accountable local government, improving local services and environment, regenerating and investing in our towns, cities and regions. As Secretary of State, Eric Pickles heads a team of Ministers: Grant Shapps, Greg Clark, Bob Neill, Andrew Stunell and Baroness Hanham

2.1. Bob Neill MP Bob's responcebilities are, Fire and resilience, Thames Gateway and Olympics, Local government and planning. Bob has a specific responcebility for the fire service resruitment, pay, equipment, and appliances, he has 4 billion budget to do so. As a resident of Chislehurst, Bob is closely involved with a number of local organisations and meets regularly with residents and community groups, voluntary organisations and local business, to hear their views, campaign of their behalf and represent their concerns at Westminster.

2.1.1. North Yorkshire Fire and rescue service. Traditionally, fire services were regarded as providing emergency response to fires and other incidents. Our remit is now much wider, covering the full spectrum of emergencies but also involving a huge commitment to community safety and prevention work, including the enforcement of fire safety legislation. Our services to the community are split into three categories: Emergency response We provide an emergency response service to fire and other emergencies, including road traffic collisions, chemical spillages and flooding. Although not a legal duty, the service will respond to any potentially life threatening incident at the time of call. Prevention We provide advice, education and community safety initiatives to reduce the incidences of fires, road traffic accidents and other life threatening hazards. Fire Protection We enforce fire safety legislation and provide statutory and non-statutory consultation concerning fire safety in buildings and workplaces. This work combines with our prevention activities to create a safer environment for all, whether at work, play or in the home. The Fire services also plays an active part in Road safety, where we aim to reduce the number of people killed or injured on our roads. North Yorkshire fire and rescue authority North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority came into being in April 1996 when local government re-organisation created a Combined Fire Authority (CFA) representing the areas of North Yorkshire County Council and the City of York Council. Functions of the Fire Authority The duties and powers of the new Combined Fire Authority are contained within the Fire and Rescue Services Act, 2004. Members of the Fire Authority Members of the Fire Authority are elected from each of the two authorities. The number of members for each authority is determined by the size of the electoral representation within each authority. The proportional representation is shown below: North Yorkshire County Council: 12 Seats City of York Council: 4 Seats