Evaluation question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Evaluation question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product? por Mind Map: Evaluation question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

1. We found the age certificate for the films we analyzed using a site called IMBD

1.1. American Gangster 18

1.2. Bugsy Malone -U

1.3. Pulp Fiction 18

1.4. Lock stock and two smoking barrels 18

2. Since we were trying to copy the film American Gangster we decided to give our media product an age certificate of 18+.

2.1. age certificate 18.

3. We also think that our media product will be aimed at an American audience as our media product is based on their history and they can relate to it.

3.1. America

4. • Mid teens would be able to relate to it as the dominant ideology of a mid teen male is that they would like to: • Get money easily • Drugs • Endless partying • Sex • Fights or rivalry

4.1. partys

4.2. rivalry

4.3. drugs

5. Typically, films within the gangster genre are aimed at older audiences and with our being sexist they are usually aimed at the male gender.

5.1. Male gender

6. Gangster films typically involve strong violence, drugs, sex and crime which is why they are usually aimed at an older generation audience.

7. Having looked at other famous gangster films that fall typically into the American gangster genre such as, lock stock and two smoking barrels and pulp fiction Bugsy Malone I found that they all had an 18+ age rating, meaning that their films audience is mainly older generations.

8. It will also be aimed at a low social class audience, urban culture as it can make it much easier for the audience to relate to the film.

8.1. Urban Culture

9. A younger audience would not be able to relate to this as they would be too young to understand certain situations and circumstances in the film.

9.1. young people