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Prime Minister por Mind Map: Prime Minister

1. Ministry Of Defence, Phil Hammond (MP). He is the former secretary of state for transport and got this job in 2011. His responsibilities include; Operations. Personnel. The Strategic Defence and Security Review. Defence planning, programme and resource allocation. Defence policy. International Relations. Nuclear programme. Acquisition. Parliamentary business and communications. (Most of this relates to the Armed Forces, which is essentially what the MOD control.) One of his first decisions in this role was to allow women to serve on Royal Navy submarines, however the first female officer will only be serving on a Vanguard sumarine in late 2013.

1.1. Armed Forces Soldiers in the BA are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan in a fight against terrorism. They are the front line in defending Britain along with the RAF and the RN. Altogether they have just under 234,000 troops (not all of which are currently serving.

1.1.1. Defence Vetting Agency The DVA are in charge are vetting all members of the BA and making sure that everything is run as it should be. This includes making sure that soldiers aren't abused or have a bad criminal record.

2. Home Secretary Home Office, Teresa May (MP) Theresa May is in charge of the home office which deals with policing, borders, immigratio,n and counter terrorism. she also sets the national policing plan which inlcudes setting wages, recruitment and general policies for the police.

2.1. Under Secretary of State for Policing, Nick Herbert (MP) Nick Herbert looks after all of the polciing for the UK. He has to report back to Theresa May and let her know whats going on.

2.1.1. West Yorkshire Police WYP are the police force that covers all of west Yorkshire for policing. They have to abide by the rules and regulatinons set by Nick Herbert, which include annual budget and recruiting. West Yorkshire Police Authority (WYPA) Responsibility for policing is shared between the Home Secretary, the Chief Constable and the Police Authority. The Police Authority is an independent body with clear statutory duties. Its primary duty is to ensure an efficient and effective police service on behalf of the population of West Yorkshire. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) They monitor and report on forces and policing activity with the aim of encouraging improvement. By putting any services that are starting to fall below the average standard into the public spotlight, this puts pressure on them to improbe their level of policing and professionalism. Independent Police Complaints Commission The IPCC is a completely independent organisation, therefore making all of their decisions based on what they as a group think without influence from the government. Its main purpose is to increase public confidence in the police complaints system in England and Wales.

2.2. Border and Immigration, Damian Green (MP) Damian Green is the minister for border and immigration control. He represents the agency in parliament and controls budgets etc.

2.2.1. Home Office, UK Border Agency The agency protects the UK border, and is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the UK. They are a global organisation with 23,500 staff - including more than 9,000 warranted officers - operating in local communities, at our borders and in about 130 countries worldwide.