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Keyboarding por Mind Map: Keyboarding

1. Students will learn how to properly format business documents.

1.1. MEMO

1.1.1. Uses

1.1.2. Exampel

1.1.3. Characteristics

1.2. Letter

1.2.1. Example

1.2.2. Uses

1.2.3. Characteristics

1.3. E-mail

1.3.1. Exampel

1.3.2. Uses

1.3.3. Characteristics

1.4. Reports

1.4.1. Exampel

1.4.2. Uses

1.4.3. Characteristics

2. Students will be able to demonstrate proper reach, technique and hand placement in order to achieve higher speed and accuracy.

2.1. Initial GWAM 3

2.1.1. Accuracy 76%

2.2. 2nd GWAM 8

2.2.1. Accuracy 83%

2.3. Best GWAM 14

2.3.1. Accuracy 95%

2.4. Criteria for Proper Keying technique