EDSC 310: The Teaching Experience

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EDSC 310: The Teaching Experience by Mind Map: EDSC 310: The Teaching Experience

1. Textbooks

1.1. Those Who Can, Teach

1.1.1. Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms

2. Assignments and Discussions

2.1. Philosophy of Education presentation

2.2. Supporting Students with Special Needs presentation

2.3. Class Discussions and Activities

2.4. Textbook Chapter Quizzes

2.5. Classroom Observation Reports (Virtual or in-person)

3. Course Goals

3.1. Observe pedagogical practices of effective teaching

3.2. Reflect on your personal reasons for wanting to teach

3.3. Learn about how schools are organized, governed and financed

3.4. Understand the history of American Education

3.5. Recognize your Philosophy of Education

3.6. Explore national teaching organizations and associations

3.7. Understand the diversity of students in CA classrooms and their unique social, academic and language needs

3.8. School Board Meeting report

3.9. Purpose of the Course

3.9.1. Learn about current issues in education

3.9.2. Understand the admission and program requirements of the Single Subject Credential Program at CSUF including TPEs and CalTPA

3.9.3. Decide if teaching is the right career for you Experience teaching from the other side of the desk