Why should I marry a music lover?

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Why should I marry a music lover? por Mind Map: Why should I marry a music lover?

1. Because otherwise I would cheat on him with someone who does love music.

1.1. People and things I will consider cheating with

1.1.1. Bjork

1.1.2. Paul Mawhinney

1.1.3. Sanders Chase

1.1.4. Madlib

1.1.5. Chewbacca

1.1.6. Bill "Cigar" Clinton

2. Because I get to buy him presents, like records, and pretend I bought them especially for him.

3. Because after the nasty divorce procedures, I get half his record collection.

4. Because after the passionate, mindblowing sex is gone, we will still have Prince.

4.1. Because a Prince joint will spice things up again, gheghe..

4.1.1. Shhh

4.1.2. Adore

4.1.3. Insatiable

5. Because his record collection (only originals, no reissues) will consist of at least:

5.1. Dee Felice Trio - In Heat

5.2. James Mason - Electric Soul

5.3. Pacific Jam - Pacific Jam

5.4. Ryo Kawasaki - Little Tree

5.5. Arthur Verocai - Arthur Verocai

5.6. Jimmy McGriff - Red Beans

6. Because I will shoot him and then myself if these "musicians" get airplay in my house:

6.1. Rihanna

6.2. Drake

6.3. Drake & Rihanna together *Multiple shooting*

6.4. Taylor Swift

6.5. Jason Derulo

6.6. Justin Bieber