Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task [the school magazine], what do you feel you hav...

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Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task [the school magazine], what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? por Mind Map: Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task [the school magazine], what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

1. I also put a lot more thought into how i would link all 3 of my products together. In my first magazine, i did not really think about how i would link my cover with my contents and this was apparant as they seemed mostly unrelated. In my final music magazine however, i used similar pictures and kept the same colour scheme throughout to link them all together. I think i used colour links well in my first attempt but not the pictures and this is what i really improved the final time round.

2. I also now understand about how important colour is. On my first attempt, the colours i used were appropriate for the genre i wished to portray but they did not work very well together. I now know that instead of compromising colours, you can simply change the shade slightly. In learning this, i effectively created an appropriate theme and stuck to the genre of magazine i wanted whilst making it visually appealing.

3. After the mistakes i made on my school music magazine, i now realise how much more confident i am when it comes to using the technology and applying design aspect to my work. On my school music magazine cover, i did not think much about the positioning of my writing or picture. I now understand about the rule of thirds and how a cover should have a masthead.

4. One thing i did well on my school magazine was the link between pictures, colours and themes. The idea was a school magazine and everything i did fitted with that. However, none of it was particulary pleasing to the eye and from researching and planning my actual product more and getting assistance from Mr Gould, i learnt to use the links AND make it aesthetically pleasing.

5. The picture of the guitar was alright but after i took these photos, i realised some attention to the photography was needed. The angle was strange and i did not place it in a convenient spot.

6. Looking back at my first school music magaine cover, i realised how far i have come. My intitial magazine cover did not use photoshop to it's full potential and as a result it was not very visually apealing.

7. School Music magazine:

8. Final Music magazine

9. My photos were thought about in a lot of depth when i was brainstorming what to do for my cover. I thought about my genre, my target audience, and how the pictures would work with the rest of what i had planned for my product. As a result of good pictures and good editing, i was able to form a great premise for the rest of my product. By starting with some really strong pictures, i found it much easier to artistically create a much more appealing product.

10. The colour scheme i chose on this magazine cover, was a mixture of different shades of green which fitted in well with the idea of it being a school music magazine as the school colours are green. However, they did not work very well with the bright almost flourescent red, and as a result the cover just looked messy.

11. Looking at my school contents page, i realise it was very boring and relied mainly on the information. The background was of the brick wall by the music block and the music block sign. If edited correctly on photoshop, this could have looked quite effective but i did not edit it very well so instead it just ended up looking dull and boring. I have learned from my mistakes, and in my music magazine contents, i spent a lot of time editing the pictures.