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WISC-IV por Mind Map: WISC-IV


1.1. Diagnose ADHD

1.2. Diagnose Learning Disabilities

1.3. Evaluate Intelligence

1.4. Discover discrepancies between IQ and performance

1.5. Diagnose Intellectual Giftedness

1.6. Identify cognitive strenghts and weaknesses

1.7. Information for Educational Intervention

1.8. Predict future academic achievement

2. FSIQ- Full Scale IQ Standard Score, An Individuals Overall Learning Potential

2.1. Processing Speed Index PSI

2.1.1. Coding CD- Coding -copy symbols that are paired with geometric shapes or numbers within specific time limit.

2.1.2. Symbol Search SS- Symbol Search - search group abstract symbols and indicate if target symbol/s matches any of the symbols in search group within specific time

2.1.3. Cancellation measures processing speed, visual selective attention, vigilance, and visual neglect scan random and structured arrangement of pictures and mark target pictures within time limit

2.2. Verbal Comprehension Index VCI

2.2.1. Vocabulary VC- Vocabulary - shown pictures asked to name them. Then asked to give definitions for words presented orally and visually.

2.2.2. Comprehension CI - Comprehension - asked to respond to questions requiring understanding of social situations, common sense, social judgment, behaviour and conventional standards

2.2.3. Information SI- Similarities -two words that represent common objects/ concepts -asked to say how they are similar.

2.3. Perceptual Reasoning Index PRI

2.3.1. Block Design BD- Block Design - use up to nine red and white blocks to re-create model or picture of design within specific time

2.3.2. Picture Concepts PCn - Picture Concept - presented with two or three rows pictures and choose picture from each row with common characteristics.

2.3.3. Matrix Reasoning MR- Matrix Reasoning - look at incomplete matrix and selects missing item from five options

2.4. Working Memory Index WMI

2.4.1. Digit Span DS- Digit Span- first repeat orally numbers presented in the order. Then repeat orally presented numbers in reverse order.

2.4.2. Arithmetic measures mental manipulation, concentration, attention, short- and long-term memory, numerical reasoning ability, and mental alertness. mentally solve orally presented arithmetic problems within time limit

2.4.3. Letter Number Sequencing LN Letter Number Sequencing - read sequence of numbers and letters and asked to recall numbers in ascending order and letters in alphabetical order

3. Scores

3.1. "Very Superior 130 and above, “

3.2. Superior 120-129

3.3. High Average 110-119

3.4. Average 90-109

3.5. Low Average 80-89

3.6. Borderline 70-79

3.7. Extremely Low 69 and below