Does sport merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it?

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Does sport merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it? por Mind Map: Does sport merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it?

1. Burdens govt. - Building of sports facilities in return of generating economic returns does not necessarily work + usually exeeds govts budget. demand > resources + higher taxes > Burden taxpayers

1.1. Athens 2004 ( US$15 Billion) Net loss As of 2008, venues such as the Velodrome and Softball Stadium remain unused.

1.2. In 2010 World Cup in South Africa, construction costs amounted to 3 million, and government expected increased tourism to cover up for $507 million.

1.3. YOG. Exeeded budget

2. Turned out that only $323 million were generated as the number of tourists that actually turned up were below the expected number.

3. transfer fees: may result in bad deals, hence money is wasted

3.1. if players do not value the money spent on them (materialistic-just going for the money) and not the value of the sport

3.1.1. Sportspersons become spoilt with the extravagant lifestyle as a result of their extremely high salaries. Reputations are often tarnished as a result of attention-seeking celebrity lifestyle which often brings indignity to sport. The less than exemplary lifestyle led by Tiger Woods, Wayne Rooney make them poor role models when sports stars have the potential to influence the masses.

4. wastage of facilities

4.1. organising major sporting events (eg. olympics)

4.1.1. For example, the City of New York has built a new stadium for the New York Yankees this season and Old Yankee Stadium is expected to be demolished this year even though it remains a perfectly good stadium.

5. No.Sports does not deserve the vast sum of money

5.1. Economics

5.1.1. Heavy endorsement of elite sportsmen Lead to them

5.1.2. Diverts money away from other essential govt projects the LDC should use the money spent on sports on areas like healthcare and education instead

5.2. Political : Corruption

5.2.1. Match fixing and betting

5.3. Social

5.3.1. Heavy endorsement of and astronomical salaries paid to elite sportsmen Might become arrogant and convinced of their superior status, thinking that they can do whatever they want on and off the field. Tiger Woods sex scandal

5.3.2. Increase competition Doping, illegal means to succeed in competition

6. Yes. Sport does merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it.

6.1. Political:

6.1.1. improved relations between countries e.g in Africa world cup, they spend large sum of money to improve their transport infrastructure. eg. South Korea/Japan joint hosts of the World Cup 2002 Despite history between these two countries (Japan's astrocities on South Korea), improve diplomatic relations.

6.1.2. forge stronger bonds between the citizens as one united country as they cheer together for their teams ( when watching the games between the countries) eg. 2002 FIFA world cup ( Hundreds of south koreans gathered at the Gwang-Hwa-moon Square to cheer the national team that managed to go until semifinals) Many cheered "Dae-Han-min-guk" together as one nation during the games which formed strong sense of belonging and national pride. These event gave a sense of shared history and shared memory to the nation

6.2. Social

6.2.1. enable us to pursue a healthy lifestyle the sportsmen are role models and our idols, e.g Rafael Nadal from Spain

6.2.2. Sports personalities should be rewarded for their hard work and dedication, and some, such as Roger Federer, are positive role models as they are involved in charity causes.

6.2.3. the sportsmen are a source of inspiration eg. jeremy lin under paraolympic, the disabled participate in the competition. they motivate those who are depress and give them a glimpse of hope. national pride

6.3. Entertainment

6.3.1. high level of stress in developed country, thus watching sports chanel allow us to relax our mind, e.g AXN sports channel or World Sports channel which screen different sports competition everyday

6.4. Economics

6.4.1. Commercialisation of sport leads to massive revenue as sport is profit-driven. Sport is a highly commercialized and profitable enterprise. The money spent on building state-of-the art stadiums and paying astronomical salaries to sports players can be recouped through advertising, ticket sales and sale of merchandise.

6.4.2. popular sports stars can in return earn vast sum of money

6.5. Enivronment

6.5.1. leading to better health e.g. to welcome the 2008 China Olympics competitors with better air quality, China factories emission was reduced

7. building of the sports facilities and infrastures(eg. stadiums, swimming pools, gymnasiums)

7.1. if all these are built throughout the country and a majority of the people have access to these facilities, then there will be health benefits since these places can be used for recreation and for fitness training.

7.2. facilities for hosting major sporting events, eg. Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing

7.2.1. Source of pride

7.2.2. Tourism industry

7.2.3. a chance to advertise the country"s culture

8. definition

8.1. sport

8.1.1. competitive national School level international olympics FIFA World cup regional ASEAN games Commonwealth games

8.1.2. non-competitive

8.1.3. team games

8.1.4. individual games

8.1.5. physical activity

8.2. merit

8.2.1. does sport deserve the vast sums of money?

8.2.2. should sport enjoy the vast sum of money?

8.3. vast sum of money

8.3.1. Corporations-sponsors

8.3.2. Government- Tax Payers money

8.3.3. Spectators/Supporters-tickets and merchandise

8.3.4. Media-viewership