Prime minister: He chooses the heads of departments based on their expertise.

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Prime minister: He chooses the heads of departments based on their expertise. por Mind Map: Prime minister: He chooses the heads of departments based on their expertise.

1. Secretary of state for justice:Ken Clarke Responsible for prison service probation. 69,000 employees and a budget of £9.6 billion

1.1. Crispin Blunt Responsible for the national offender management service. 260,000 people in UK under some kind of punishment/rehab. Asbo's, prison, drugs rehab or maybe tags.

1.1.1. HM prison Service UK locks up most people in all of europe, But we don't have the lowest crime rate. 137 prisons in the UK and 86,000 people in them. 4,300 are women Her Majesty's Inspectorate Of Prisons Upholds humane punishment and encourages rehabilitation. They inspect prisons to prevent bullying and suicides.

1.1.2. National probation Service Support after prison to make sure you stay out of crime. probation officers work with ex-criminals to supervise them. HM Inspectorate of Probation Funded by ministry of justice reports back to the justice minister. inspects youth offending teams in reducing re-offending and protecting the public.

2. Secretary of state for communities and local government: Eric Pickles - Responsible for the fire service.

2.1. Fire and Rescue services Bob Neil Specific responsibility for fire service, recruitment pay and appliances.

2.1.1. North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue service 44,000 fire officers in the UK, 3,600 appliances. 3.9% are women. Fire services were regarded as providing emergency response to fires and other incidents. This is split up in to 3 categories; Emergancy responses, Prevention and fire safety. North yorkshire fire Authority same role as the police and the NHS.