by Alex Hart
1. Size
1.1. As small as possible
1.2. Max size: 150mmx100mmx100mm
2. Budget
2.1. £50
3. Cam
3.1. 1 minute to produce logo
3.1.1. Continuous
3.2. Stopping
3.2.1. One rotation for shape and then stop
4. Shape
4.1. Pear shaped
5. Steering
5.1. 3 wheels
5.1.1. Front wheel turns
5.1.2. Power from back wheels
5.2. Geared system and rack
5.3. Arm and spring
6. Speed
6.1. Relatively quick
6.1.1. Don't want to impact line quality
7. Pen
7.1. Rack and pinion
7.2. Hinge
7.3. Turning wheel motion
7.4. Cam system
7.5. Rotation flap
8. Material
8.1. Perspex
8.1.1. Cheap
8.2. Rapid prototyping
8.2.1. 50p/cm³