Prime Minister. he chooses the people in his team, people who he thinks can get the job done prop...

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Prime Minister. he chooses the people in his team, people who he thinks can get the job done properly. por Mind Map: Prime Minister. he chooses the people in his team, people who he thinks can get the job done properly.

1. Department of health, Andrew Lansley. responceble for all the aspects of the NHS.

1.1. Simon Burns, elected as member of parlinent from the Chelmsford area since 1987. He is the minister of state for health and MP for Chelmsford to visit glovershots.

1.1.1. NHS, the NHS is a place of healthcare, we pay money which goes in to the NHS which then means if anything was to go wrong, like we had a broken leg we could go and get it sorted then and there. yorkshire and humber health authroity. the Yorkshire humber health was set up in 2006 by the government. they act as the regional body for the NHS Health commission, first started in 1799, it was formed to try and cure a case of cholera. its main aim is to try and save lives.

2. Home Office, Ken Clarke. He was elected MP for Rushcliffe at the 1970 General Election he is secretary of State for Business

2.1. Crispin Blunt, he is member of Parliament for the constituency of Reigate. In May 2010 he was appointed minister for prisons and probation.

2.1.1. HM prison service, the service tries to keep the public safe by keeping the people off the streets that have done wrong. their vision is to have the best prison service. Her majestys inspectorate of prisons, this is an independans inspectroate that inspects the conditions for the people that are in prison.

2.1.2. national probation service, this is an agency for the ministry of justice. They bring together the HM prison service and the head quarters of the probation service. her majsetys inspectorate of probation. this is funded by the MOJ which inspect youth offending tams in reading and reoffending. their main aim is to protect the public.

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