Prime minster The Prime Minster is in charge of running the country he makes the key decisions f...

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Prime minster The Prime Minster is in charge of running the country he makes the key decisions for the country. He has a cabnit of MP's that he has hand picked to advise and help him run the country. por Mind Map: Prime minster  The Prime Minster is in charge of running the country he makes the key decisions for the country. He has a cabnit of MP's that he has hand picked  to advise and help him run the country.

1. Minster of state Nick Herbert Nick Herbert is the Minster of State for policing and criminal justice in the UK, it is his job to help and advise the home secretary in his area of expertise.

1.1. British Police The British Police force is in charge of dealing with crime within the UK, this can range from gun crime to car crashes. The UK police is split into 51 different forces these deal with an area of the UK.

1.1.1. West Yorkshire Police Authority West Yorkshire police are in charge of enforcing the law in west Yorkshire. They are part of the North police force. The West Yorkshire police force is split down into a number of smaller forces so that they can manage the large area easier. Her Majesty 's inspectorate of constabulary Her Majesty's inspectorate of constabulary are in charge of assessing the UK's police forces and make sure that they are policing correctly. Independent police complaints commission The independent police complaints commission is in charge of investigating complaints made against police forces within the UK.

2. Border and immigration Damian Green Mp Damian Green is in charge of making sure that the UK border and immigration department is working correctly he decides what their budget is spent on and advises David Cameron to put in new legislation's.

2.1. Uk Border Agency The UK border agency is in charge of protecting the UK's borders. They are in charge of stopping illegal immigrants and illegal goods into to the UK , they also control visa's.

3. Home secretary Theresa May The Home Secretary is in charge of internal affairs in England and Wales , she is also in charge of immigration and citizenship for the whole of the UK.

4. Ministrey of deffence phil hammond mp The Ministry of defense is in charge of the defense of the UK and funding the military forces. It is also in charge of making sure that the armed forces have the equipment they need.

4.1. British Army The British Army is in charge of defense of the UK . It has been managed and funded by the MOD since 1964. The main role of the British Army is to protect the borders of the UK and destroy threats.

4.1.1. Defence Vetting Agency The Defence Vetting Agency is in charge of doing security checks on military and civilian members of the the MOD