Roles of an Online Teacher

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Roles of an Online Teacher por Mind Map: Roles of an Online Teacher

1. Pedagogical

2. Managerial

3. Find ways for students to discuss personal background (to promote future discussion)

4. Effective feedback tools- rubrics and comments

5. Prompts that encourage discussion and multiple opinions

6. Clearly stated learning goals

7. Asynchronous activities

8. Units planned in more detail than traditional classroom

9. Social

10. Technical

11. Easing fears of first-time online students

12. How to encourage positive relationships between students.

13. How to deal with problems between students or group members.

14. Best tool for the task- effective but simple

15. Help with troubleshooting, but encourage students to try to practice on their own

16. Technology for feedback

17. Technology should not impede discussion.