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Start with WHY por Mind Map: Start with WHY

1. What drives the "inspirational" company

1.1. WHY

1.2. Not purely profit like most companies.

2. Establishing a Following

2.1. Reaching out to people with similar WHY/ views as you

2.2. People with similar views will pay for goods they believe in.

2.3. Apple

2.3.1. Sells goods with a cult like following 47% of people in the US own an Apple product

2.3.2. Does not need to use manipulation because goods are unique and backed by drive.

2.3.3. WHY: Make technology accessible, easy to use, affordable, while introducing innovative new ideas.

3. Define a Clear WHY

3.1. Defining a clear WHY is like defining a mission statement

3.2. A clear WHY keeps company on the same page

3.2.1. Wal-Mart was no longer a clear WHY after death of founder. Why was defined by founder and misinterpeted by the company after. Company became about profit and cheap prices No longer created value for the community rather it exploited its employees to maintain low prices.

4. The Golden Circle

4.1. What<How<Why

4.1.1. What: Product you sell

4.1.2. How: Why product is unique

4.1.3. Why: The purpose that drives How and What

4.2. Basis for successful company

5. Manipulation vs. Inspiration

5.1. Inspiration: A novel product that consumers want to buy

5.1.1. Apple's success can be attributed to their unique products.

5.1.2. Wal-Mart's initial WHY- helping community prosper so community can help Wal-Mart prosper.

5.2. Manipulation: Using techniques to convince consumer they want product

5.2.1. price Walmart after Walton's death became focused on cheap prices rather than consumers

5.2.2. promotions

5.2.3. fear

5.2.4. peer pressure

5.2.5. aspirations

6. 7 Components of Entrepreneurial Marketing

6.1. proactive

6.1.1. taking advantage of a gap in the market and using your WHY to drive you to make a change that your costumer desires

6.2. indentification and explotation of opportunity

6.2.1. establishing a drive for company- WHY

6.3. acquire and retain profitable costumers

6.3.1. establishing costumers with similar beliefs so that they will invest in it and spread positive feedback to the second generation of costumers that were either hesitant or encouraged by peers

6.4. innovative

6.4.1. creating a product or service that consumers desire because it relates to their personal beliefs and their WHY

6.5. risk management

6.5.1. By defining a clear why the company prevents misinterpretation amongst the company.

6.5.2. Prevents Wal-Mart fiasco

6.6. resource leveraging

6.7. value creation

6.7.1. Sinek calls this WHY- the drive behind a company that ultimate creates value beyond profit