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itSMF Content Update por Mind Map: itSMF Content Update

1. Resources

1.1. Sponsor White Paper

1.1.1. POC: Stephanie

1.1.2. Stephanie:

1.2. Cold Fusion Archives

1.2.1. Knowledge Management Portfolio

1.2.2. Marie updates the archives ColdFusion CSI ColdFusion ROI Marie: New site pages (3)

1.3. Speakers

1.3.1. POC Marie New site page

1.3.2. Visit itSMF Speakers Clearninghouse Download spreadsheet on old site. Would like to make this a searchable DB on new site.

1.3.3. Join the Speakers Clearninghouse Create a custom form Create a new member type as a "speaker" Ask Doug - Who manages this?

1.4. Forrester Resources

1.4.1. Marie updates this New site page

1.5. Affinity Program

1.5.1. POC: Stephanie New site page:

1.5.2. Info page available to the public

1.5.3. Affinity benefit page Members only

1.6. The Source (newsletter)

1.6.1. Members only

1.6.2. Marie: New site page

1.7. LIG Leaders Page

1.7.1. Members only

1.7.2. Marie: new site page

1.8. Conference Presentations

1.8.1. Members only

1.8.2. Knowledge Management? Nothing new since 2010.

1.8.3. Marie: new site page

1.9. Careers & Service Managment

1.9.1. Members only

1.9.2. Marie: new site page

1.10. Members Only Whitepapers

1.10.1. Knowledge Management? Has a lot of info and downloads but has not been updated since 2010.

1.10.2. Marie: new site page

2. Community

2.1. Local Interest Groups

2.1.1. Marie: New site page

2.1.2. Updated on YM?

2.1.3. This page has listing of all IGs w/ links to individual IG sites, New IGs, clickable map of US to find IGs in specific areas and LIG Leadership Info with links to the Leadership Directory, Speakers Clearinghouse (spreadsheeet) and LIG Leadership Resource Page.

2.2. LIG Resources

2.2.1. Marie: New site page

2.2.2. Forms and documents Approval through the board

2.2.3. Will be combining w/ IG Leaders committee page. Should we dump the committee page on the new site or dump this one and put all in the committee page?

2.3. Special Interest Groups

2.3.1. Page of links to sub-sites for SIGs

2.3.2. Marie: New site pages

2.3.3. Each SIG has governance of it's own, their Leaders update their own SIG pages with assistance from Mari.

2.4. Academia

2.4.1. Marie updates

2.4.2. Info from Knowledge management portfolio

2.4.3. Marie: New site page

2.5. Social Media

2.5.1. Content: Marketing and Communications

2.5.2. Marketing portfolio team manages the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages

2.5.3. Marie: New site page

2.6. IG White paper Challenge

2.6.1. Members only

2.6.2. Marie: New site page

2.7. Awards & Recognition

2.7.1. Previously, updates provided by Governance, Marie updates.

2.7.2. Sponsorship Chair: Clarence Johnson new leader

2.7.3. Marie: New site page

3. eStore

3.1. Linda

3.2. Sell books and ebook

3.2.1. IT Governance is the bookstore - Outside party does the fulfillment. This is a landing page to the Bookstore.

3.3. Add a "Bookstore" link to a custom page that then goes IT Governance

3.4. Future Item: Sell or distribute electronic or paper collateral that the LIGS would use.

4. Other items not available to the public

4.1. Board site (group)

4.1.1. Linda

4.2. Committee pages

4.2.1. PR/Marketing

4.2.2. Marie will track down the list

4.2.3. LIG Leaders Page Marie maintains this. WIll combine with LIG Leadership Resources page.

4.3. Memberclicks documents

4.3.1. What is available there?

4.3.2. How do we move it en masse to YM Do we want to use YM groups? Do we want to use YM content libraries?

4.3.3. Do we know who should have access to which documents?

4.3.4. Do we know which documents should be moved into an archive? Does this archive need to be online? How much space is required for the documents?

5. Home

5.1. Calendar

5.1.1. Marie Ligs setup their own events in the RSVP system Ligs go through Marie to get events approved and confirm budgets

5.1.2. Linda National events

5.2. Links

5.2.1. Marie

5.3. Rotating sponsorship Images

5.3.1. Stephanie & Marie

5.4. Contact Us

5.4.1. Marie

5.5. poc: Marie

5.6. International Whitepaper Competition

5.6.1. Marie: new site page

5.7. Free Stuff (Free Publications Page)

5.7.1. Marie: new site page

6. About us

6.1. Membership

6.1.1. Cindi - Data Membership: How to Join: New Account:

6.1.2. Marie - Text

6.2. Board and ethics

6.2.1. Marie - New Site Page

6.3. Meet the staff

6.3.1. Marie: New site page

6.4. News

6.4.1. Collector - Doug with press releases

6.4.2. Poster - Marie: New site page

6.4.3. Editorial Calendar Jack & Julie

6.5. Sponsors

6.5.1. Stephanie:

6.6. Contact us

6.6.1. Delete it from the menu

6.7. FAQs

6.7.1. Content Reviewer? Doug T? Shari B?

6.7.2. Poster - Marie: New site page

6.8. Sponsorship

6.8.1. Stephanie


6.9. Main About Us page

6.9.1. Marie: new site page

7. Events

7.1. Fusion

7.1.1. Info about fusion Marie: New site page

7.1.2. Link to Main event site

7.1.3. Link to discounts for members

7.1.4. POC: Marie & Stephanie

7.2. LIG Events

7.2.1. POC: Marie

7.2.2. Training: Group Calendar Management

7.3. Webinars

7.3.1. Portal to Brighttalk Public Webinars are viewable Recorded Webinars are viewable

8. Training

8.1. Training Vendors

8.1.1. Stephanie:

8.2. priSM

8.2.1. priSM Program Information Cindi:

8.2.2. priSM Redirect Page (links to priSM site) Cindi:

8.3. Certifications

8.3.1. INfo about ITIL Certification;

8.3.2. Knowledge Management? Has not been updated since 2010.

8.3.3. Marie: new site page.