Do awards and prizes serve any useful purpose?

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Do awards and prizes serve any useful purpose? por Mind Map: Do awards and prizes serve any useful purpose?

1. After starring with Dallas Roberts in the comedy-drama Lightbulb and starring in the short-lived television series The Unusuals, Renner went on to achieve critical success for his portrayal as bomb disposal expert, Sergeant William James in the 2009 Iraq war thriller The Hurt Locker.The role earned him several awards in the Best Actor category and his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor as well a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination. He was thus, offered a role in The Avengers movie which earned more money than any other movie during its opening weekend.

2. Definitions

2.1. Awards and prizes

2.1.1. Accolades

2.1.2. Trophies

2.1.3. E.g Nobel Peace Prize, Prix de Rome, Grammy, Emmy, Oscar, Order of Nila Utama

2.2. Useful purpose

2.2.1. Positive effect that is intended and desired

3. Yes

3.1. Recognizes the achievments of accomplished persons, providing them with motivation and encouragement to do even better.

3.1.1. Ang San Suu Kyi being recognized worldwide for her fervent fight for democracy in Myanmar was awarded with many accolades, including an honorary PhD from Harvard University.

3.2. Economic Purposes

3.2.1. Actors winnning Oscar Awards, Emmy Awards and etc.. might be offered more roles and higher pays than other actors, helping them boost their own

3.3. Medals awarded to athletes in the sporting arena provides them with recognition for their feats, hence providing them with the drive to continue doing their best.

3.3.1. Olympic Games, Singapore's Olympic Committee rewards athletes who bring back a Gold Medal in the Olympics with a prize of $1,000,000.

4. No

4.1. Excellence should be self driven, not due to an incentive

4.1.1. Prizes and awards will result in the elimination of self motivation in accomplishing a task. For example, should a task not have prizes or awards available, people would not put in as much effort to complete the task.

4.2. With there being the presence of prizes and presents, there may be more competitiveness as it motivates people to work harder and put in more effort. However, people who may not be as talented might suffer as a result

4.2.1. This is because

4.3. Prizes and awards might be expensive to prepare eg. large scale awards such as Oscars etc. Nominees already receive lavish salaries

4.3.1. Such awards only serve as recognition to already famous celebrities

4.4. Awards and medals were used to inspire others to become accomplished individuals, yet in today's world, with the use of technology, such accolades can be easily forged just by the click of a mouse, causing it to have no purpose at all as it becomes something easily achieved.

4.4.1. University degrees were easily forged