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Learning theories por Mind Map: Learning theories

1. Behaviourism

1.1. Pavlov

1.2. Thorndike

1.2.1. Law of exercise

1.2.2. Law of readiness

1.2.3. Law of effect

1.2.4. Other laws Primacy Recency

1.3. Skinner

1.3.1. Programmed Instruction

2. Cognitivism

2.1. Magic Number 7

2.1.1. Cognitive load theory

2.2. Memory

2.3. Individual differences

2.3.1. Learning style

2.4. Gagne's nine events

2.4.1. Nine events of instruction

2.5. Multimedia principles

2.5.1. Mayer

3. Constructivism

3.1. Cognitive constructivism

3.1.1. Kolb Experience Reflect Conclude Test

3.1.2. New node

3.2. Social constructivism

3.2.1. Discussion

3.2.2. Collaboration

4. Constructionism

4.1. Papert

4.1.1. Learning by doing

4.1.2. Learn by making

4.1.3. Logo language

4.2. Jonassen

4.2.1. Mindtools

4.2.2. Use technology to construct

5. Brain and Body

5.1. Exercise

5.2. Stress

5.3. Sleep

5.4. Nutrition

5.5. Water