Work breakdown structure for Group 2 Project website

Group 2 WBS

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Work breakdown structure for Group 2 Project website by Mind Map: Work breakdown structure for Group 2 Project website

1. Preparation

1.1. Planning

1.2. Making a contract

1.3. identify information needs

1.3.1. determine functionalities

1.3.2. Interview

1.3.3. Who will be the user?

2. Final Stage (English)

2.1. Launching your website

3. Structure

3.1. Making the structure of your page

3.2. Determine the content of your page

3.3. Creating a mapstructure

3.4. What pages do you want?

4. Design

4.1. Getting resources from customer

4.1.1. Images

4.1.2. Documents

4.1.3. Texts

4.2. Making your wireframes

4.3. Choosing colour scheme

4.4. Making a page index

5. Production

5.1. Specified task per page

5.2. Linking documents

5.3. Inserting text and immages

5.4. Writing functionalities

5.5. Writing CSS

5.6. Writing HTML

5.7. Making a document for every page

6. Check

6.1. Testing

6.2. Debugging

6.3. Quality check

7. Server

7.1. Getting a domain

7.2. Uploading testversion

7.3. Finding a host

8. Review

8.1. Debugging

8.2. Testing

8.3. Applying changes

8.4. Contacting customer