Global tapestry 1200-1450

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Global tapestry 1200-1450 by Mind Map: Global tapestry 1200-1450

1. Africa

1.1. social

1.1.1. Landlocked kingdoms could trade with each other through the Trans-Saharan trade route

1.1.2. Indian ocean trade route connected states long distances from each other.

1.1.3. Was organized around kinship, age, and gender

1.1.4. prisoners of war, debtors, and criminals were enslaved and some were put into the Indian ocean slave trade.

1.2. Political

1.2.1. Zanj rebellion took over Basra

1.2.2. Sub saharan africa governed with Kin networks that often fought

1.2.3. Hausa kingdoms had city states

1.3. Cultural

1.3.1. Griotes passed down history through storytelling and singing.

1.3.2. Ethiopia embraced christianity

1.4. Innovation

1.4.1. The Great Zimbabwe was a defensive wall built without mortar

1.5. Environmental

1.5.1. Landlocked states used trade networks for connections to other states.

1.6. Economy

1.6.1. Muslim merchants traded goods with West and East African Kingdoms.

1.6.2. Sundiata created good trading relationships with merchants.

2. Europe

2.1. Social

2.1.1. Serfs could pay tributes to a lord in exchange for protection

2.1.2. Trade declined and intellectual life receded

2.1.3. Marco Polo wrote about what he saw in Asia, and people became more interested in the other states around them

2.1.4. The bourgeoisie class emerged

2.1.5. Little ice age led to smaller populations

2.2. political

2.2.1. feudalism system exchanged land for loyalty, was decentralized

2.2.2. Absolutist government where people worked directly for the king and queen.

2.2.3. Estates general had representatives.

2.2.4. Magna carta limited power of king

2.2.5. There was a code of chivalry

2.2.6. The holy roman empire had an emperor

2.3. Cultural

2.3.1. Jewish, muslim, and female people were ostracised.

2.3.2. Roman catholic church had an impact on education, art, the feudal system, and reform. The church was the authority.

2.3.3. The first Crusade took over Jerusalem.

2.3.4. There was a great schism that divided the church

2.4. Innovation

2.4.1. Secular literature was written using vernacular language, and contributed to naionalism

2.5. Environmetal

2.5.1. Three field system allowed for efficient agriculture

2.5.2. The little ice age made it harder for crops to grow.

2.6. Economy

2.6.1. Kiev was a center for trade

2.6.2. The three field system allowed for more crops to grow, and more money to come in.

2.6.3. The little ice age was bad for trade and the economy.

2.6.4. Economic pressures like better trade routes pressured the creation of the crusades.

2.6.5. The feudalism system gave tributes in exchange for protection, which affected the economy.

3. Americas

3.1. social

3.1.1. There was a social hierarchy with religious leaders at top.

3.1.2. There was a Mita system where conquered men provided public services and labor.

3.1.3. The Mississippians had a social structure with the Great Sun at the top.

3.1.4. Women were allowed to read and write and was a matrilineal society

3.1.5. The pochteca became a new merchant social class.

3.2. Political

3.2.1. The Mayan City states had a king in each city

3.2.2. The aztecs were ruled by a theocracy

3.2.3. The Incas had 4 provinces with their own governments

3.2.4. Tenochtitlan was one of the largest capital cities in the world.

3.2.5. People turned against the Aztec government because of dislike of human sacrifices.

3.3. Cultural

3.3.1. religious leaders ruled the theocracy

3.3.2. The Mayans thought Kings were descended from gods. Women had higher roles because there are female gods.

3.3.3. Studied science and connected it to religion.

3.3.4. The believed gods would answer their prayers if they performed human sacrifices.

3.4. Innovation

3.4.1. The carpa nan allowed for road travel

3.5. Environmental

3.5.1. Chinampas increased agriculture space

3.6. Economic

3.6.1. Chinampas allowed for more food to be produced and helped the economy.

3.6.2. The tributary and mita systems gave money, goods, and service to the economy.

4. East Asia

4.1. Social

4.1.1. Grand canal and the silk road allowed for trade

4.1.2. Tributary systems had other states show honor to the emperor

4.1.3. there were 6 classes of social hierarchy

4.2. Political

4.2.1. Tributary systems promised stability and trade to other states

4.2.2. They had an imperial bureaucracy/meritocracy

4.3. Cultural

4.3.1. There were 6 classes of social hierarchy and a strong patriarchy in the Song Dynasty, and a new class, scholar gentry, was made

4.3.2. Many people were Buddhist, but Confucianism was promoted.

4.3.3. Lots of literature was written

4.4. innovation

4.4.1. China created steel from coal to build better bridges, gates, and ships

4.4.2. The made compasses, navigation charts, and better boats

4.4.3. The traded porcelain and silk

4.5. Environmental

4.5.1. The creation of Champa rice led to faster cultivation and harvesting

4.6. Economic

4.6.1. commercialization brought money into the economy.

4.6.2. Other states paid money to China through the tributary system

4.6.3. Trade grew the economy.

4.6.4. Champa rice created more rice and brought in money

5. South and Southeast Asia

5.1. social

5.1.1. They had a caste system and social hierarchy, people converted to Islam to raise social status

5.1.2. Sea based kingdoms could control other states sea routes

5.1.3. Islam and South Asia shared knowledge and architecture

5.1.4. The Delhi Sultanate was never able to have an efficient bureaucracy

5.2. Political

5.2.1. Southern India was more politically stable than northern india because Northern India was always at war with each other and never had a centralized government or bureaucracy. This also caused disunity

5.3. Cultural

5.3.1. Jizya was imposed on all non-muslims, causing conflict

5.3.2. Many people converted from Hinduism and buddhism to Islam.

5.3.3. Hindus resented Islam in the Delhi Sultanate

5.4. Innovation

5.4.1. Good irrigation and drainage systems

5.5. Environmental

5.5.1. Sea based kingdoms had a Navy, and control over sea trading routes.

5.6. Economy

5.6.1. Good drainage and irrigation systems led to a good economy.

5.6.2. Charging fees in the sea routes helped economy

5.6.3. Many merchants converted to Islam to have better relationships with other merchants

6. Dar-al Islam

6.1. social

6.1.1. The house of knowledge got scholars interested in learning and spreading knowledge.

6.1.2. Swahili was created to communicate with people in other states

6.2. Political

6.2.1. Scholars were seen as political entities.

6.3. Cultural

6.3.1. Islamic scholars, merchants, military, and Sufis spread the islamic faith. The battle of Tours limited the spread of Islamic faith

6.3.2. Leaders showed tolerance to non-muslims

6.3.3. People could have slaves, but if they converted to Muslim, they could be free. Women had higher social status because of Muhammad's teachings.

6.3.4. Crusaders fought seljuk turks for holy land

6.4. innovation

6.4.1. Scholars made innovations in math, astronomy, and medicine.

6.4.2. Known as the "Golden Age"

6.5. environmental

6.5.1. Different religions fought for the Holy Land

6.5.2. At the fall of the Abbasids, the countryside couldn't sustain the urban areas with food.

6.6. Economic

6.6.1. Muhammad was a merchant, which encouraged people to become merchants and trade with other places, creating a more stable economy.