1. Skilled NEPQ Questions
1.1. Intro
1.1.1. Yeah, so it looks like you booked this call to talk about possibly learning how to use Linkedin video to get more engagement So... I was curious…...when you saw Shay’s videos...what was it about her content that attracted your attention? Could you tell me more about that…. Why is that important to you? Was there anything else that attracted you?
1.2. Situation Questions
1.2.1. What are you doing now... to generate leads for your business? Ok. And how long have you been doing it that way? So what got you involved in doing it that way?
1.3. Problem Awareness Questions
1.3.1. So, this strategy, this strategy you’re using… do you, do you like….. the way you’re getting leads…. for your business now? Yes Oh, what do you like about it? Is there anything else you like about it? So, to me, it sounds like things are going fairly well for you. Is there anything you would change about your present lead generation strategy, if you could? In the Middle Hold on a second. You don’t sound … so sure about it… what don’t you like? No What don’t you like? So I’m curious what is it about ________ that you don’t like? Probing Statement So time to make a change, possibly? When you say you didn’t get _____, what do you mean by that?
1.4. Solution Awareness Questions
1.4.1. Before we started… before we started talking today... were you… were you out there looking for ways... to get… more engagement so you could get...you know… more of a higher quality of lead to book with you...on your calendar? Or what were you doing about trying to find a higher quality of lead? No Oh ok. But, what prevented you from doing that in the past, though? Yes What did you do? Enrolled in a program Ok. So did you actually start the program?
1.4.2. OK. Maybe I could ask you this... just to make sure that what we’re doing would actually help but... besides ________ and _______ (plug in what they have already told you they want) what are you actually looking for in more advanced training to make sure you get a higher quality lead from Linkedin? Like what would be your ideal criteria? Can I ask why that's important to you now though? Is there anything else you’re wanting?
1.4.3. So if we were able to help you get more engagement and more leads... what would... what would that do for you? What would it do for you personally though?
1.4.4. How do you see the benefits of you actually solving this problem?
1.4.5. How would it be different though, you being able to build an audience that looks to you for leadership/ get a higher quality of lead on your calendar, how would your life be different than it is now? How would that make you feel though?
1.5. Consequence Questions
1.5.1. Have you considered the possible ramifications about not doing anything about your situation?
1.5.2. What if you don’t do anything about this problem and your situation gets even worse?
1.5.3. What if you don’t do anything about this and you keep ... ? (plug in what they said they don’t want to keep happening)
1.6. Qualifying Questions
1.6.1. So how important is it for you to change your situation and start ___________? Why is that important to you now though?
1.7. Transition Formula
1.7.1. Based on what you told me, what we are doing, might actually work for you, because you know how you said ... (plug in their logical problem) ... and because of that, it’s making you feel ... (plug in their emotional problem, feelings) This is what we do ...we teach our clients Shay’s entire process of using LinkedIn video to build an audience of loyal followers who actually reach out to them for guidance so it becomes a much easier lead to actually sell to.
1.7.2. Does that feel as if it might be what you’re looking for? Why do you feel like it is though?
1.8. Presentation
1.8.1. So you know how you mentioned [Insert PAIN POINT ONE]? Wait for response. Well inside of our program [insert FEATURE AND BENEFIT ONE] and by doing that you’re gonna get closer to [VISION ONE].
1.8.2. On top of that, we also talked about, [PAIN POINT TWO]. The way that we look at this inside the program is [FEATURE AND BENEFIT TWO] and what we find with a lot of our students is that that really helps [DESIRED STATE TWO].
1.8.3. Also how we work with students is [FEATURE ADVANTAGE BENEFIT THREE] and I know you mentioned earlier in the call [PAIN POINT THREE] so this will be really interesting for you to see how this allows you to [VISION THREE].
1.8.4. Do you feel like this is something you can do that will get you where you're wanting to go? Why do you feel like it is?