E3T Teams

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E3T Teams by Mind Map: E3T Teams

1. Materials

1.1. Web Site

1.2. Blog

1.3. Clickers

1.4. Books/Resources

1.5. Web 2.0

1.6. Video

1.7. Pictures

2. Assessment

2.1. Teacher Pre-Survey

2.2. Student Survey

2.3. Formative Data

2.3.1. Grades

2.4. Summative Assessment

2.4.1. MEAP

2.4.2. attendance

2.5. Lesson Plans

2.6. Video Clips

2.7. Reflections

3. Goals

3.1. teams

3.1.1. collaborate

3.1.2. reduce barriers

3.1.3. increase opportunities students make progress learning enviroments support engage motivate educate

4. Methods

4.1. on-going school based support

4.2. intense Prof. Dev

4.2.1. summer institute

4.2.2. 4 follow up days

4.3. virtual learning community

5. For more information:http://e3t.org