WHO collaborating centres Support

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WHO collaborating centres Support af Mind Map: WHO collaborating centres Support

1. What are networks of WHO collaborating centres?

2. Where can I find the WHO collaborating centres?

3. I have a policy question

4. eCC

4.1. How to use eCC?

4.1.1. Introduction to eCC basics

4.1.2. eCC tips

4.1.3. eCC FAQs

4.1.4. Flyer

4.1.5. See the PowerPoint presentation

4.1.6. Attend one of the regular training courses organized by KMS (in HQ) and by the regional focal points in the ROs.

4.2. How to access eCC?

4.2.1. I cannot access eCC

4.3. I have a technical problem with eCC

4.4. One of my WHO collaborating centres has a technical problem with eCC

4.4.1. First, they should consult the FAQs of the Internet

4.4.2. If after referring your centre to the FAQs of the Internet the problem persists, kindly submit a eCC Help Desk (in eCC, under "Forms") on their behalf.

4.5. I need to make a change in eCC and/or the database

5. I need to talk

5.1. I am in HQ

5.2. I am in a RO

6. Redesignation

7. Use of the WHO name and/or emblem by WHO collaborating centres

8. Designation

9. Annual progress reports