Cameron Mcghee's Freshman Portfolio

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Cameron Mcghee's Freshman Portfolio por Mind Map: Cameron Mcghee's Freshman Portfolio

1. Project

1.1. Reading

2. About Me

2.1. New node

3. Introduction Letter (Start Here)

3.1. Grade weight 1

3.1.1. Detail 1

3.1.2. Detail 2

4. Math Vocabulary

4.1. Project

5. Belief Systems-Discovering Faith.

5.1. Project

6. Science

6.1. Project

7. Nipsco Project

7.1. Project

8. Oppression/Slavery

8.1. Project

8.1.1. New node

9. Math ECA's

9.1. Project

10. Final Project

10.1. Project

11. Closeing Statement