Acute Myocardial Infarction

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Acute Myocardial Infarction por Mind Map: Acute Myocardial Infarction

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Ischemia to myocardium

1.1.1. Thrombus

1.1.2. Embolus

1.1.3. Vasospasm

2. Collaborative Care

2.1. rapid diagnosis

2.2. preserve cardiac muscle

2.2.1. reperfusion therapy fibrinolytic therapy tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) streptokinase reteplase (Retavase) emergent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

2.3. drug therapy

2.3.1. nitrates

2.3.2. B-adrenergic blockers

2.3.3. systemic anticoagulation SQ or IV low-molecular-weight heparin

2.3.4. antiplatelets aspirin

2.3.5. calcium channel blockers

2.3.6. morphine

2.4. emergent CABG surgery

3. Nursing

3.1. Monitor

3.1.1. premature ventricular contractions

3.1.2. ventricular tachycardia

3.1.3. ventricular fibrillation

3.2. O2

3.3. IV

3.4. VS's, I&O

3.5. Medication

3.5.1. Morphine

3.5.2. ASA

3.5.3. Thromboltyics TPA Strepto

3.5.4. Heparin

3.5.5. Nitrates

3.5.6. Antidysrythmics

3.6. pain assement & relief

3.6.1. nitroglycerine

3.6.2. morphine

3.6.3. supplemental oxygen

3.7. anxiety

4. misc

5. Signs & Symptoms

5.1. chest pain

5.2. shortness of breath

5.3. fatigue

5.4. weakness

5.5. nausea & vomiting

5.6. pallor & diaphoresis

6. Diagnostics

6.1. ECG

6.2. serum cardiac markers

6.2.1. creatine kinase (CK-MB)

6.2.2. troponin

6.3. coronary angiography

6.4. exercise stress testing

6.5. echocardiograms

7. Nursing Diagnoses

7.1. Acute pain

7.2. Ineffective tissue perfusion

7.3. Anxiety

7.4. Activity Intolerance

7.5. Ineffective therapeutic regimen management