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Spelling Rules by Mind Map: Spelling Rules

1. Compound words

1.1. somewhere

2. Plurals

2.1. y - ies

2.1.1. baby - -babies

2.1.2. fly - flies

2.2. just add s

2.3. add es

2.3.1. churches

2.3.2. foxes

2.3.3. buses

3. Apostrophes

3.1. Missing letters

3.1.1. don't

3.1.2. can't

3.2. Ownership

3.2.1. AFTER the owner

3.2.2. mum's bike

3.2.3. 1 baby's toys

3.2.4. 2 babies' toys

4. Suffixes

4.1. er

4.2. est

4.3. ful (one l!)

4.4. ly

4.5. Double letters

4.5.1. big - bigger

4.6. y...i

4.6.1. cheeky - cheekiest

5. ing

5.1. remove e

5.1.1. come -- coming

5.1.2. move---moving

5.1.3. ride - riding

5.2. Double letter

5.2.1. run---running

6. nasty ones!

6.1. people

6.2. beauty

6.3. excellent

6.4. WWWW!

6.4.1. W were

6.4.2. wh when where why what

6.5. really

6.6. very