Food vocabulary

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Food vocabulary by Mind Map: Food vocabulary

1. verbs:

1.1. to cook: cocinar

1.2. to cut: cortar, picar

1.3. to clean: limpiar

1.4. to chop: tajar, cortar, picar

1.5. to season: sazonar

1.6. to boil: hervir

1.7. to bake: hornear, asar

1.8. to broil: asar a la parrilla

1.9. to steam: cocinar al vapor

1.10. to grill: asar a la parrilla

1.11. to fry: freír

1.12. to defrost: descongelar

1.13. to heat: calentar

1.14. to peel: pelar

1.15. to pour: verter

1.16. to measure: medir

1.17. to mix: mezclar

1.18. to serve: servir

1.19. to chill: enfríar

1.20. to dice: cortar a cubitos

2. cutlery

2.1. Soup spoon

2.2. Table fork

2.3. table knife

2.4. Steak knife

2.5. Serving spoon

2.6. Service shovel

2.7. Serving fork

2.8. Salad spoon

2.9. Salad fork

2.10. Serving ladle - ladle

2.11. Sauce spoon

2.12. Butter knife

2.13. Juicer fork

2.14. Juicer fork

2.15. Dessert spoon

2.16. Dessert fork

2.17. Coffee spoon

2.18. Fruit fork

2.19. Fruit knife

3. tableware

3.1. Traditionally the dishes were made of ceramic, porcelain, earthenware and crystal or glass. Now you can find pieces made of other materials, such as melamine, vitrified materials, mixed with various alloys that give them more intense colors and greater resistance, slates, etc.

3.2. Deep plates: used to serve liquids such as broths and soups.

3.3. Flat plates: ideal for lightly loaded meals.

3.4. Dessert plates: for smaller portions.

4. Dinner

4.1. Dinner should be light but complete, with foods such as: vegetables (in creams, salads, steamed, boiled ...), fruits, lean meat (chicken, turkey), eggs, fish, dairy or light sausages. We can include carbohydrates such as pasta, rice or legumes, but always controlling the amount.

5. Fruits

5.1. grapes: uvas

5.2. lime: lima

5.3. lemon: limón

5.4. cherry: cereza

5.5. blueberry: arándano

5.6. banana: plátano

5.7. apple: manzana

5.8. watermelon: sandía

5.9. peach: melocotón

5.10. pineapple: piña

5.11. strawberry: fresa

5.12. orange: naranja

5.13. coconut: coco

5.14. pear - fruits

5.15. pear: pera

5.16. apricot: albaricoque

5.17. avocado: aguacate

5.18. blackberry: zarzamora

5.19. grapefruit: pomelo

5.20. kiwi: kiwi

5.21. mango: mango

5.22. plum: ciruela

5.23. raspberry: frambuesa

5.24. pomegranate: granada

5.25. fig: higo

5.26. passion fruit: maracuyá

5.27. tangerine: mandarina

6. lunch

6.1. FIRST COURSE: Vegetables or legumes, cereals (pasta or rice) or potatoes (with or without vegetables). SECOND COURSE: Meat, fish or eggs, accompanied by garnish. (Cooked vegetables, salad, potatoes, rice, pasta), nutritionally complementing the first course.

7. Breakfast

7.1. should include carbohydrates, such as bread, cereals, cookies, toast, crepes (Hot Cakes), etc., a portion of dairy (example: a glass of milk) and a piece of fruit. It should also include protein rich foods such as: eggs, cheese, etc.

8. Vegetables

8.1. zanahoria: carrot

8.2. brócoli: broccoli

8.3. espárragos: asparagus

8.4. coliflor: cauliflower

8.5. maíz: corn

8.6. pepino: cucumber

8.7. berenjena: eggplant

8.8. lechuga: lettuce

8.9. champiñones: mushrooms

8.10. cebolla: onion

8.11. patata / papa: potato

8.12. calabaza: pumpkin

8.13. pimiento rojo: red pepper

8.14. tomate: tomato

8.15. remolacha: beetroot

8.16. coles Bruselas: Brussel sprouts

8.17. guisantes: peas

8.18. calabacín: zucchini

8.19. rábano: radish

8.20. batata: sweet potato

8.21. alcachofa: artichoke

8.22. puerro: leek

8.23. repollo / col: cabbage

8.24. apio: celery

8.25. chile / ají: chili

8.26. ajo: garlic

8.27. albahaca: basil

8.28. cilantro: coriander

8.29. perejil: parsley

8.30. eneldo: dill

8.31. romero: rosemary

8.32. orégano: oregano

8.33. canela: cinnamon

8.34. azafrán: saffron

8.35. judía verde: green bean

8.36. frijol / haba: bean

8.37. garbanzo: chickpea

8.38. lenteja: lentil