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Wikileaks by Mind Map: Wikileaks

1. Media

1.1. Enhances role of the 'watchdog' function

1.2. Questions procedures of journalism

1.3. Newspapers publishing leaked information

1.3.1. NY Times

1.3.2. The Guardian

2. The organization

2.1. Julian Assange

2.2. not-for-profit

2.3. Technology


2.4. resources

2.5. credibility/accuracy

2.6. Archives

3. The public

3.1. new level of control

3.2. purpose of serving the public

4. U.S Embassy cables

4.1. over 251,000 confidential documents leaked

4.2. largest set of documents released to public

4.3. aim to give insight into U.S Govt foreign activities

5. Debates

5.1. Confidentiality

5.1.1. threat to national security

5.1.2. access to restricted information

5.2. Transperancy

5.2.1. Exposes unethical behaviour Governments Oppressive regimes Global Corporations

5.2.2. Uncovers the truth

5.2.3. Encourages honesty in a democracy free speech

6. U.S Military

6.1. Iraq

6.1.1. collateral murder

6.1.2. unreleased footage of war

6.1.3. war diary: Iraq war logs

6.2. Afghanistan

6.2.1. war documents

6.2.2. war diary: Afghanistan war logs