Iranian Figures and Ideology

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Iranian Figures and Ideology por Mind Map: Iranian Figures and Ideology

1. Shah

1.1. Pahlavi Dynasty

1.2. Land Reforms

1.3. pro-western

1.4. fled in 1953 coup

1.5. Abolished Islamic legal requirements (1963)

1.6. growing income inequality

2. Ayatollah Khomeini

2.1. protested in 60s, 70s in Tehran, Qom

2.2. first theologian to put into practice idea of Islamic gov't in a modern state

2.3. exposed shortcomings of Islam

2.4. influenced by Kashani

2.5. simplified doctrine for common audience

2.6. believed to be "Perfect man"

2.7. take refuge in inner self

2.8. only legitimate gov't is one that accepts rule of God/Sharia

2.9. riots brought him power

2.10. overthrow in 1978, declared Islamic government

2.11. islam served state

3. Mosaddeq

3.1. Appointed as PM

3.2. increased power in 1953 coup

3.3. operation AJAX ousted him

3.4. propaganda to accuse M of communism

4. Kashani

4.1. Fadayine Islam

4.2. Ulama

4.3. New node

4.4. Anti-colonialism

4.5. Islamic universalism

4.6. political activism, populism

5. Shariati

5.1. overthrow feudalism, capitalism

5.2. pro-mosaddeq

5.3. modern concepts are not set apart from Islam

5.4. capitalism= unjust

5.5. ethical and spiritual values must be Islamic

6. Khatami

6.1. improved human rights b/c of press

7. Ayatollah Khameini

7.1. Current Supreme leader

7.2. sultan?

7.3. low clerical support

7.4. increased military influence

7.5. less anti-western senitment

8. Ahmanedijad

8.1. president

8.2. uses "lay terms"

9. Montazeri