Life on the Goldfields

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Life on the Goldfields por Mind Map: Life on the Goldfields

1. Clothing

1.1. Women's Wear

1.1.1. wide brimmed hats

1.1.2. wear petticoats under long skirts covering ankle

1.1.3. lace up/button up bodices

1.1.4. boots

1.2. Men's Wear

1.2.1. loose-fitting, long sleeve, comfortable shirts

1.2.2. long trousers with a belt

1.2.3. sturdy boots

2. Education

2.1. Location

2.1.1. schools were held in large tents

2.2. Pricing

2.2.1. 1 shilling 6 pence per week

2.3. Subjects

2.3.1. arithmetic,reading,writing, sewing

3. Life of Children

3.1. do household chores

3.1.1. baby sitting

3.1.2. fetching water from the creek

3.1.3. shopping

3.1.4. gathering firewood

3.1.5. washing clothes

3.1.6. cooking

3.1.7. taking care of horses

3.1.8. help look for gold

3.2. Teachers

3.2.1. usually young and untrained

3.2.2. different ways of teaching some were strict some couldn't keep control

3.2.3. very different ages

4. Shopping

4.1. butchers

4.2. tool shops

4.3. supply stores

4.4. post offices

4.5. chemist

4.6. Permit Offices

5. Entertaniment

5.1. story telling around the campfire

5.2. Music

5.2.1. violin

5.2.2. concertina

5.3. Singing

5.4. Hunting

5.5. Horse Racing

5.6. Dance Parties

5.7. Theatrical Shows

6. Sickness

6.1. cholera

6.1.1. nausea, diarrea

6.2. typhoid

6.2.1. kidney failure, mood change, high fever

6.3. scurvy

6.3.1. head aches, weakness

6.4. tetanus

6.4.1. breathing difficulties

7. Housing

7.1. rich people built large, grand stone houses

7.2. open bark shelters

7.3. slab hut dwellings

7.4. tents: canvas, grog and shanty tents

7.5. small humpies

7.6. small cottages

8. Food

8.1. damper

8.2. salted mutton

8.3. billy. tea

8.4. stew

8.5. salted beef jerky

8.6. occaisonally cabbage, carrots

8.7. if lucky, duck, chickens

9. Did you know?

9.1. the youngest teacher was 14 year old

9.2. About 100 000 people came to Australia during the gold rush

9.3. The world's largest gold nugget was found in Australia and weighed 70 kilograms. It was found on the 5 February 1869