What does the 21st Century Teacher need to know about digital technologies

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What does the 21st Century Teacher need to know about digital technologies by Mind Map: What does the 21st Century Teacher need to know about digital technologies

1. self regulation

2. How will it be assessed

2.1. New node

3. Rachel is talking about motivation. To use digital technologies. Many years ago when dos ruled supreme she went on a a programming Course and then used computers in her German courses in the mid 80s and engaged children in the subject. What is the latest games changer not technology there is no magic dust nlearn to use cwhatever - leaner to love the one you have...liminal space- it is ok not to know things....do not be frightened we cannot provide a programme that will teach everything the coalition has a key obsession to change our position in the Pisa. Maths and English is not enough...



5. They have to know what students know about technologies to be able to communicate with them.

6. New node

7. How do teachers find out about new etools like 'scratch'

8. New node

9. We need better research gar

10. Steve Kendall. Looking at digitalechnologies might help young. People to take on education especially NEETs The cache of iPads etc might make it imprtant

11. How to use digital technologies to support professional development and ongoing learning: FORMS OF TEACHER KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE TO BE SUPPORTED :>>>>

11.1. for subject content knowledge

11.1.1. New node

11.1.2. New node

11.2. for subject pedagogic knowledge

11.3. for curriculum knowledge

11.4. for knowledge of learners and their characteristics

11.5. for general pedagogic knowledge

11.5.1. there needs to be a reason related to learning impact which teachers can explain

11.6. for digital technology general pedagogic knowledge

11.7. for digital technology subject pedagogic knowledge

11.8. Forms of teacher learning

11.9. of educational contexts, aims, purposes, values