Change Adoption

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Change Adoption by Mind Map: Change Adoption

1. The Dummy

1.1. What does it know

1.1.1. Not as much as we think

1.1.2. More than we assume

1.2. What does it think

1.3. What is it likely to do?

1.4. What to we want it to do

2. Questions

2.1. What should we ask

2.2. What should we answer

2.3. What should we act on

3. Buy In

3.1. Must be formal

3.2. Must be reasonable/acceptable

3.3. Must have reward

3.3.1. Actual

3.3.2. Potential

4. Motivators

4.1. Problem I hope to solve

4.2. Think I can be more efficient and save time

4.3. Fun

4.4. Challenge

5. R &D

5.1. Research

5.1.1. Most if it will fail

5.1.2. Short term experiments

5.1.3. Probes

5.1.4. Unpredictable outcomes Yes/No Pass/Fail Open ended

5.1.5. Heuristic

5.2. Skunkworks

5.3. Transition: When do we move from R to D

5.3.1. Identified tactics

5.3.2. Agreed upon procedures

5.3.3. Success Likely

5.4. Development

5.4.1. Most of it should succeed

5.4.2. Established Plan

5.4.3. Milestones

5.4.4. Predictable outcomes

5.4.5. Recursive

5.5. Errors

5.5.1. Confusing R with D

5.5.2. Moving too fast from R to D

6. De-Motivators

6.1. Problem I can't solve

6.1.1. Let me tell you why

6.1.2. You don't understand

6.1.3. Yes but

6.2. No problem that needs solving

6.2.1. I'm already doing that

6.2.2. I don't need to do that

6.3. Too busy to try something new

6.4. Fear

6.5. Inertia