The Pat Brody Cat Shelter: Home

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The Pat Brody Cat Shelter: Home by Mind Map: The Pat Brody Cat Shelter: Home

1. About (overview and history; non-profit info; mission statement)

2. Events and News

2.1. Events (Calendar and Announcements)

2.2. News

2.2.1. Newsletter

3. Support the Pat Brody Shelter

3.1. Donate

3.1.1. Donate now (PayPal)

3.1.2. Sponsor a cat Sponsor Us (list of cats that need sponsors) Why sponsor? Sponsor now (PayPal)

3.1.3. Wish List

3.2. Shop

3.2.1. Shop Our Affiliates

3.2.2. Handmade crafts

4. Volunteer

4.1. Tasks and Duties

4.2. Shifts Available

4.3. Application

5. Header

5.1. View Our Cats

5.2. Donate

6. Adopt (brief overview of adoption process)

6.1. Available Cats (a database)

6.2. Policies

6.3. Adoption Application

6.4. Success Stories

6.5. Ready to Adopt? (what to consider before adopting)

7. Foster

7.1. Available Cats (a list)

7.2. Policies

7.3. Foster Application

7.4. Why Foster Homes are Needed

8. Cat Care

8.1. Socializing Your Cat

8.2. Cat Care Basics

8.2.1. New node

8.3. Local Vets

8.4. Cat Healthcare Websites

9. Footer

9.1. Contact Us link

9.2. Facebook link

9.3. Mailing Address

9.4. Tax Info