The Solar System (Sun)

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The Solar System (Sun) por Mind Map: The Solar System (Sun)

1. Neptune

1.1. Neptune is the furthest from the sun and is the fourth largest planet. It is also one of the "ice giants" due to the icy surface.

2. Venus

2.1. Venus is the second furthest from the sun and is the sixth largest. This planet is also called "Earths Sister" due to the similar size.

3. Earth

3.1. Is the third farthest from the sun and is the fifth largest planet. Also the only planet with life.

4. Mercury

4.1. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and is the eighth largest. It takes 88 earth days for Mercury to orbit the sun.

5. Mars

5.1. Mars is the fourth furthest from the sun and seventh largest planet. Like the Earth it has polar ice caps.

6. Jupiter

6.1. Jupiter is a "gas giant" that is fifth furthest from the sun and is the largest planet in the solar system. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is actually a giant storm.

7. Saturn

7.1. Saturn is a "gas giant" which is the sixth furthest from the sun and is the second largest gassy planet. It has a dozen rings made from chunks of ice.

8. Uranus

8.1. Uranus is the seventh furthest from the sun and is the third largest planet. Uranus is also referred to an "ice giant".