
Post 2. L12. Samantha Pecechea’s mindmap.

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Pollution por Mind Map: Pollution

1. Types

1.1. Soil contamination.

1.2. Water pollution.

1.3. Noise pollution.

1.4. Light pollution.

1.5. Visual contamination.

1.6. Thermal pollution.

2. Solutions

2.1. I think recycling will help the environment, because that way there won't be much garbage.

2.2. I believe that using public transport instead of private transport will reduce pollution because it will reduce carbon dioxide

2.3. I believe that using renewable energy will be one of the best options to stop polluting because this type of energy comes from natural sources, such as solar or hydroelectric energy.

3. Preditions

3.1. I think that pollution in many places will decrease because the pandemic is creating new habits that do not pollute, for example not using private transport, having a garden at home to go to the supermarket less, etc.

3.2. I think that if we don't take care of the increase in population it will be one more cause for the increase in pollution.

3.3. I think that air pollution will have a lesser impact on the environment in the following years because many people will stop using their car.

4. Definition

4.1. Environmental contamination or pollution is the introduction of substances or other physical elements into a medium, which cause it to be unsafe or not suitable for use