Planning for Strategic Planning

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Planning for Strategic Planning создатель Mind Map: Planning for Strategic Planning

1. Networking

1.1. Where are we at?

1.2. Where to next?

1.3. Where do we want to be?

2. Software

2.1. Where are we at?

2.2. Where to next?

2.3. Where do we want to be?

3. Hardware

3.1. Where are we at?

3.2. Where to next?

3.3. Where do we want to be?

4. Providing reliable Infrastructure

5. Curriculum

5.1. Content/delivery

5.2. Ministry initiatives

5.3. e-learning policies

6. Administration

6.1. Accessing and utilising student information and student data management systems

6.2. Teacher planning/assessment

6.3. Office administration/comunication

6.4. Learning Management Systems

6.5. Providing, accessing and managing teaching and learning resources

7. Students

7.1. Personalising and extending student learning

7.2. Improving student assessment and reporting

7.3. Developing measuring and monitoring student ICT capabilities

7.4. Accessing and utilising student information

8. Community

8.1. Connecting beyond the school

8.2. Student assessment and reporting

9. Learning resources

9.1. Web based

9.2. Software based

9.3. other

10. Data gathering

11. School Mission

11.1. Co-constructed?

11.2. Owned?

11.3. Special character of school

12. School vision

12.1. Co-constructed?

12.2. Owned?

12.3. Special character of school

13. School Values

13.1. Co-constructed?

13.2. Owned?

13.3. Reflects community?

14. Support Professional Learning

14.1. Curriculum

14.2. Theory

14.3. Skills

14.4. Pedagogy

15. Other?

16. Teachers

17. Enabling leadership

17.1. Leading learning in school

17.2. building internal capacity

17.3. Mentoring professional learning community

18. Budget/ finances

18.1. Annual review

18.2. Five year plans