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Cyberbullying by Mind Map: Cyberbullying

1. Defined

1.1. Glossary of Terms

1.2. From Bullies to Buddies

1.3. Let's Learn Some Terms About Cyberbullying

1.4. Let's Get Really Legal About This

2. Preventions

2.1. Awareness

2.2. Use Privacy Settings

2.3. Keep Passwords Secret

2.4. Treat Others With Respect

2.5. Do Not Post What You Do Not Want Read

2.6. You Are Not Anonymous Online

3. Facts About Bullying

4. Know When It Occurs

5. Take a Survey About Cyberbullying

6. Types of Cyberbullying

6.1. Anonymity

6.2. Exclusion

6.3. Outing

6.4. Flaming

6.5. Pseudonyms

6.6. The Power Hungry or Revenge of the Nerds

6.7. The Inadvertent Cyberbully

6.8. The Vengeful Angel

6.9. Harassment

6.10. Cyberstalking

6.11. "Mean Girls"

6.12. Masquerading

7. Ways to Handle Cyberbullying